Current Search:  Aging -- Psychological aspects (x)

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Is age really just a number?
Preserved and deficient calculation processes in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment
Integrity and reflections of the past
Age-related changes in executive function and the influence of processing speed
effect of age on processing family, famous and novel faces: An fMRI study
The Grasp of the Ice-Cold Hand:  The Emergence of a New Kind of Gothic in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights
Face recognition
Revisiting leisure activities and the risk of dementia in the elderly with special focus on dancing
lived experience of sexuality for post-menopausal women
Gender, relationships, and social interaction among senior citizens
Comparisons of education majors' perception of aging
The Effect of Bilingualism and Aging on Inhibitory Control
Attitudinal study of older adult African Americans' interaction with computers
Adult learning for healthy aging: an investigation of health literacy and technology use in older adults
Cognition and adherence in older adults undergoing hemodialysis
The Influence of Gardens on Resilience in Older Adults Living in a Continuing Care Community
experience of caring for an elderly parent with Alzheimer's disease
comparison of the Boston Naming Test and Miami Naming Test in an Afro-Caribbean population over the age of 55
Effects of a Story-Sharing Intervention on Depression and Well-Being in Older Adults Transitioning to Long-Term Care