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The true office of civil government : a speech
Thirtieth annual report of the Vermont Colonization Society : presented Oct. 18, 1849.
Union League Club of New York. : Address of the president, June 23, 1866
Birth-day of Washington : celebration at Paris, February 22, 1866
Lesson of the Virginia election : speech of R. Hutcheson, esq. (of Louisiana) at St. George's hall, Washington, D.C., November 28, 1881 ...
From Slaves to Subjects: Forging Freedom in the Canadian Legal System
Sentimental spirits: saving the soul while seizing the heart and swaying the mind
President Hayes's southern policy. : an address delivered in the town hall, Hiram, Ohio, Tuesday evening, September 25, 1877.
The issues of 1868 : speech of Hon. O.P. Morton, U.S. Senator from Indiana, before the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, of Washington, D.C., on Monday evening, Jan. 6, 1868
Speeches of Hon. Edgar Cowan of Pennsylvania, Hon. Jas. R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, Hon. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of Treasury, letter of Hon. O.H. Browning, of Illinois, and an address by a member of the club : also the condition of the South, a report o
Address of His Excellency John A. Andrew, to the two branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, November 11, 1863.
Lessons from the elections for the victors and the vanquished : a discourse delivered before the First Congregational Church, New Bedford, November 9th, 1874
Address of the National Democratic committee : The perils of the nation. Usurpations of the administration in Maryland and Tennessee. The remedy to be used.
Carpetbag rule in Florida : the inside workings of the reconstruction of civil government in Florida after the close of the Civil War
Valedictory address of His Excellency John A. Andrew, to the two branches of the legislature of Massachusetts, January 4, 1866
Address of Hon. Charles D. Drake, to the Radical Union men of Missouri
Senator Sherman's defense, as delivered by himself, at Springfield, Ohio, October 4th, 1865,
The condition and prospects of the South : a discourse delivered in Somerville, Mass., June 4, 1865
A plain statement addressed to all honest Democrats
Address of the Printers' Grant and Colfax Club of the District of Columbia.
