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Rethinking Affect Through Social Justice: Teresa Brennan, Energetics, and Living Attention
What's so fair about the status quo?
System justification requires psychological proximity
Attitude and valence dynamics in response to changes in perceived similarity vs. difference
From mortality to connectedness
Detection in dispositional change in romantic relationships: A dynamic explanation
Emotional Intelligence and Self-Directed Learning
Examining Affectual Interaction within the Therapeutic Relationship Across Three Psychotherapeutic Theoretical Approaches
Affect coding within the therapeutic relationship
Mastery in the Therapeutic Relationship: Comparing the Emotional Behavior of a Master Therapist with Professional Therapists and Its Impact on Their Clients
Microwavable Dinners
Understanding narcissism and self-esteem in children
Narcissism, perceptions of peer relationships, and target-specific aggression in middle childhood
Mirror neurons: imitation and emotional differences among males and females
Assessing Processes of Connection and Development in Observations of the Therapeutic Relationship