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User Behavior Modeling in Online Display Advertising
False reflections: Appearance esteem attacks in advertising in "Cosmopolitan", "Working Woman", "GQ", and "Maxim"
Identities for sale: Advertising's construction of the ideal teenage girl in "Teen", "Seventeen," and "YM"
Enthymemes in magazine advertisements: An analysis of Oneida silverware ads from 1900 to 1990
Internet advertising: New media, new models?
Optimal positioning of web page banner advertisements
Regression analysis of a small business to determine optimal advertising media
Internet advertising: A selectivity model approach to analyzing gender differences in information processing
The Effects of Preattention in an Online Advertising Context: A Neuroscience Perspective
Marketing the television apparatus for American consumption: Producing meaning in contemporary magazine advertisements
Enhancing the effectiveness of online video advertising through interactivity
role of advertising and information asymmetry on firm performance
Product cycle theory and the television industry of the United States
Average (arithmetic mean) of women’s bodies
Distracted Driving: A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis Exploring The Effectiveness Of Public Service Announcements Regarding Texting And Driving That Employ A Filmed Narrative With Emotional Appeals
Real-Time Data Analytics and Optimization for Computational Advertising
Celebrating diversity through fashion? A cultural analysis of Tommy Hilfiger online
Product placement within violent media
Americans all! The role of advertising in re-imaging ethnicity in America: the case of the war advertising council, 1939-1945
