Current Search:  Achievement motivation -- United States (x)

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Emerging narratives of Native American, Asian American, and African American women in middle adulthood with an education doctorate degree
Factors affecting retention in a community college's welfare-to-work programs
Selected Student Characteristics and Science Achievement in a Mid-Sized Secondary School
Factors that relate to the persistence of first-generation undergraduate students in a public university
Socio-Cultural Leadership: An Innovative Model For School Leadership
effects of a culturally translated school counselor-led intervention on the academic achievement of fourth and fifth grade Haitian students
The Effects of the Student Success Skills Classroom Program on Self-Regulation, School Attendance, and Test Anxiety on Hispanic Fifth-Grade Students
A critical analysis of first generation black male college students’ perceptions of their preparation for college level mathematics
Perceptions of Academic Resilience Among Teachers and Twelfth Grade Adolescent Girls