Current Search:  Achievement in education (x)

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Friend influence on achievement during middle childhood
status study of nonpublic high schools' voluntary compliance with Florida RAISE requirements and other selected quality variables
Achievement orientation: Origins, influences, and outcomes
exploration of factors affecting the academic success of students in a college quantitative business course
Assessing goal intent and achievement of university learning community students
The Quest for Charter School Enrollment: Reported Innovations and Student Achievement
Investigation of instructional strategies designed to promote achievement and retention in online mathematics classes
effect of self-efficacy on the decisions to enroll and succeed in Internet accounting courses
Children's perceptions of peer reactions to school-related behaviors and affect
The effect of a student achievement curriculum on grade 9 completion rate and student engagement
Exploring the impact of electronic textbook tools on student achievement in world history
The Effects of the Student Success Skills Program on the Behavioral and Cognitive Engagement of Grade 5 Exceptional Education Students
Peer reputations as a determinant of gender differences in school outcomes: Evidence for domain-specific effects
Effects of problem-based learning with web-anchored instruction in nanotechnology on the science conceptual understanding, the attitude towards science, and the perception of science in society of elementary students
Academic task avoidance and achievement as predictors of peer status during the early primary school years
effect of a classroom intervention on adolescent wellness, success skills, and academic performance
Predictors of scientific understanding of middle school students
Multiple Measures as a Placement Instrument in Mathematics at Florida State Colleges
comparison of the outcomes of distance learning students versus traditional classroom students in the community college
How race, gender and Pell status affect the persistence and degree attainment rates of dual enrollment students
