Current Search: Women (x)
Lili Boulanger (1893--1918): Her life and works.
Smith-Gonzalez, April Renee., Florida Atlantic University, Keaton, Kenneth
A young life, so full of hope and talent ended before its true potential was realized. Even so, Lili Boulanger's oeuvre stands alone as a prime example of artistic quality and purity. Her expression is clear and personal, giving us insight into the world in which she lived. A discussion of her life reveals a lonely girl who turned to music as her permanent voice in history. A discussion of her works reveals a highly intelligent and determined woman who composed brilliant music in spite of...
Show moreA young life, so full of hope and talent ended before its true potential was realized. Even so, Lili Boulanger's oeuvre stands alone as a prime example of artistic quality and purity. Her expression is clear and personal, giving us insight into the world in which she lived. A discussion of her life reveals a lonely girl who turned to music as her permanent voice in history. A discussion of her works reveals a highly intelligent and determined woman who composed brilliant music in spite of debilitating illness and prejudice. A discussion of the woman reveals Lili Boulanger to be an extraordinary person who cared for her family, friends, and fellowman. The first woman to win the Grand Prix de Rome competition in music, Boulanger is a role model for women composers who followed her.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Boulanger, Lili,--1893-1918, Women composers--France--Biography
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Abortion policy in the fifty states: A comparative analysis.
Parsons, Sharon Kay, Florida Atlantic University, Pritchard, Anita
This study investigates the influence of state characteristics, socioeconomic, cultural and political, on the variation of abortion legislation and accessibility in the American states. State discretion in abortion issues, historically and including the present time, has resulted in a lack of uniformity of regulations in the 50 states and a wide variance of accessibility to abortion services across the nation. Although abortion is considered one of the most divisive and controversial policy...
Show moreThis study investigates the influence of state characteristics, socioeconomic, cultural and political, on the variation of abortion legislation and accessibility in the American states. State discretion in abortion issues, historically and including the present time, has resulted in a lack of uniformity of regulations in the 50 states and a wide variance of accessibility to abortion services across the nation. Although abortion is considered one of the most divisive and controversial policy issues, it has largely been neglected in the literature as a public policy study at the state level. Therefore, a systematic and empirical basis for explaining the variance in abortion laws and accessibility is also lacking in the research. This study attempts to fill in that gap and the results of the analysis of the data reveals several important findings. First, there is little indication that accessibility is related to state legislation on abortion. Second, the measures for current legislation are not highly correlated. Each policy appears to be a separate issue for state legislators. Third, socioeconomic characteristics, as expected, are important to the pre-Roe measures of legislation and abortion rates. These characteristics are also important to recent abortion rates, Medicaid funding for abortions, and service provision. However, certain political variables, in particular public opinion/ideology, are also important to the variance of current measures. Fourth, traditional state characteristics do not explain the variance in two of the legislative variables included in the study--the number of post-Roe restrictions passed and parental notification/consent requirements. And last, religion, as measured by denominations or religious groups with an anti-abortion platform, does not play an important role in explaining variation in abortion laws or accessibility, contrary to the predictions. A larger percentage of Catholics is associated with increased service provision and less restrictive Medicaid funding for abortions. Fundamentalists are not important to the variation of either legislation or accessibility. This finding, in particular, is in contrast to not only the predictions of this study but also to the popular beliefs and assertions on the subject.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Women's Studies, Political Science, General, Political Science, Public Administration
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Cracked roots: Identity in Maryse Conde's "Heremakhonon".
Wood, Jacqueline E., Florida Atlantic University, Shaktini, Namascar
Identity in the African diaspora has been an issue of great interest in recent years. In her first novel Heremakhonon, Maryse Conde explores African diasporan female identity. She brings into question multi-culturalism, race stratification, classism, and sexism as major influences in developing identity for the African diasporan woman. For Conde's protagonist in the novel, Veronica, fragmented consciousness is manifested by movement from Guadeloupe, her birth land, to France, to Africa in...
Show moreIdentity in the African diaspora has been an issue of great interest in recent years. In her first novel Heremakhonon, Maryse Conde explores African diasporan female identity. She brings into question multi-culturalism, race stratification, classism, and sexism as major influences in developing identity for the African diasporan woman. For Conde's protagonist in the novel, Veronica, fragmented consciousness is manifested by movement from Guadeloupe, her birth land, to France, to Africa in search of a place or an individual who might help her "heal" her identity. In addition to establishing the existence of fragmentation of consciousness in her character, Conde creates a unique narrative voice which employs elements of autonomous interior monologue to explore the female Diasporan perspective. Finally, Maryse Conde, through the experiences of her character Veronica, refutes the essentialist view of identity in African peoples of the world.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Condé, Maryse--Hérémakhonon, Women, Black, in literature
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A rhetorical analysis of a feminine style and feminist research in scholarly communication journals.
Bifano, Diane Theresa, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
Nine journal articles were analyzed in order to understand gendered composition and what makes writing an article feminine and what makes it masculine. The journals reviewed were Communication Monographs, Communication Theory, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Human Communication Research, Quarterly Journal of Speech, and Women Studies in Communication. Categories were compiled to include the characteristics of a feminine style in feminist research, and a masculine style in traditional...
Show moreNine journal articles were analyzed in order to understand gendered composition and what makes writing an article feminine and what makes it masculine. The journals reviewed were Communication Monographs, Communication Theory, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Human Communication Research, Quarterly Journal of Speech, and Women Studies in Communication. Categories were compiled to include the characteristics of a feminine style in feminist research, and a masculine style in traditional research. This analysis takes a rhetorical approach in order to address a more gender diverse perspective in research. As a result of many published articles reflecting a theme of a "dominant masculinist paradigm" in the publication process, this study examines some of the reasons why feminist scholarship in communication struggles for acceptance.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Women's Studies, Speech Communication, Language, Rhetoric and Composition, Mass Communications
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Kate Chopin's female characters: A study in conflict and growth.
Kunf, Marcia Ann., Florida Atlantic University, Peyton, Ann
Among nineteenth-century American writers, Kate Chopin presented a new American heroine in the character of Edna Pontellier. She would not merely be a passive recipient reacting to the pressures of a male dominated society. She would actively take control of her own destiny. Chopin created her heroine in an environment that did not tolerate deviance from accepted stereotypes; therefore, many of Chopin's stories either received negative criticism or were rejected for publication because of...
Show moreAmong nineteenth-century American writers, Kate Chopin presented a new American heroine in the character of Edna Pontellier. She would not merely be a passive recipient reacting to the pressures of a male dominated society. She would actively take control of her own destiny. Chopin created her heroine in an environment that did not tolerate deviance from accepted stereotypes; therefore, many of Chopin's stories either received negative criticism or were rejected for publication because of subject matter. Chopin was sensitive to her critics; however, she was also committed to representing realistic women in their struggles for selfhood. In addition, Chopin created these repeating female characters to chronicle their quests for self-fulfillment. Conflicts, resulting from assertive action, stirred a rebellion inside the heroine and resulted in decisions that shocked and angered a society which was not prepared to accept such strong characters as Edna. Similar to her heroine, Kate Chopin concurrently experienced the dilemmas and ultimate growth that is involved in self-actualization. Kate Chopin was forced to decide how to express herself in a society which was not yet ready to hear her message.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Chopin, Kate,--1851-1904--Characters., Women in literature.
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Duarte, Carmen, Gosser, Esquilín Mary Ann, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
The dramaturgy written by Cuban American, Puerto Rican, and Dominican American women propels Hispanic-Caribbean theater beyond the geographical borders of their islands, thus creating and nurturing, transnational cultural enclaves that support it while also transforming the cultural theatrical environment of the United States. This dramaturgy, with its themes and arguments, puts into practice the feminist and LGBTQ critical theories with a focus on minority groups in US society. This work...
Show moreThe dramaturgy written by Cuban American, Puerto Rican, and Dominican American women propels Hispanic-Caribbean theater beyond the geographical borders of their islands, thus creating and nurturing, transnational cultural enclaves that support it while also transforming the cultural theatrical environment of the United States. This dramaturgy, with its themes and arguments, puts into practice the feminist and LGBTQ critical theories with a focus on minority groups in US society. This work analyzes Hispanic-Caribbean theater traditions from their origins to the transformations they undergo in the United States given the influence of the various Caribbean diasporas. The essential characteristics of this drama, written by women, lead to the creation of a new theater characterized by its hybrid and bilingual roots. This dramatic cultural transformation reveals the diversity and inclusion of ethnic, racial, sexual identities, and the myriad intersectionalities found in the diasporic island communities from which it takes flight.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Dramaturgy, Theater, Caribbean culture studies, Latin American studies, Women's studies
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Moreno-Duany, Miriam, Canfield, Brian, Florida Atlantic University, Department of Counselor Education, College of Education
Chronic illness increases each year in the United States with about 117 million people living with a chronic condition (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). There are more than 100 autoimmune conditions (AARDA, 2019). This particular study focuses on a very specific population, which is women with systemic lupus erythematosus; in which women compose 50.9% of the population (United States Census Bureau, 2010). The specific variables being evaluated are marital satisfaction with a...
Show moreChronic illness increases each year in the United States with about 117 million people living with a chronic condition (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). There are more than 100 autoimmune conditions (AARDA, 2019). This particular study focuses on a very specific population, which is women with systemic lupus erythematosus; in which women compose 50.9% of the population (United States Census Bureau, 2010). The specific variables being evaluated are marital satisfaction with a special focus on partner intimacy (sexual relations) and the relationship that exists between these variables in women who have the condition. The study aims at forming a marriage between the medical field and the counseling field to have better understanding and ultimately provide a more comprehensive treatment from the findings of this research. Prior studies suggest that marital satisfaction and partner intimacy are affected when a person has a chronic condition, albeit very little research has been done in the last decade that focuses on this particular population with these specific variables. Seventy six (N=76) women with systemic lupus erythematosus participated in this study. There were 76 females. The diverse participants had an age mean of 44.16 and a standard deviation of 10.59. There were African American (n=7), Asian (n=3), Caucasian (n=55), American/Alaskan Native (n=1), Native Hawaiian (n=1), Pacific Islander (n=3), NA’s (n=6). Education levels were high school (n=17), bachelor’s (n=33), master’s (n=15), doctorate (n=4), other (n=6) and NA’s (n=1). There were employed (n=64) and not employed (n=12). From the Midwest (n=8), Northeast (n=11), Northwest (n=6), Southeast (n=37), Southwest (n=14), NA’s (n=4). The participants were diagnosed varying years from 1992 until 2021, with NA’s (n=7). Flare up mean was 2.7, with a standard deviation of 2.3. The household income mean was $87,784.10 with a standard deviation of 49063.08. The relationship between marital satisfaction, partner intimacy and resiliency in women with lupus was measured by using bivariate regression analysis. The implications of the findings, study limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Systemic lupus erythematosus, Women, Sex in marriage, Counseling
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Nall, John Dale, Ganson, Barbara, Florida Atlantic University, Department of History, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
This thesis is an international comparative analysis on the women pilots of Britain’s Air Transport Auxiliary, the Soviet Union’s Aviation Group 122, and the United States’ Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, Women’s Flying Training Detachment, and the Women Airforce Service Pilots during World War II. Women pilots in these groups were motivated by three different factors in each country to aid the war effort and that determination was a common thread among these groups that drove them to serve...
Show moreThis thesis is an international comparative analysis on the women pilots of Britain’s Air Transport Auxiliary, the Soviet Union’s Aviation Group 122, and the United States’ Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, Women’s Flying Training Detachment, and the Women Airforce Service Pilots during World War II. Women pilots in these groups were motivated by three different factors in each country to aid the war effort and that determination was a common thread among these groups that drove them to serve their countries’ militaries. What made the pilots’ efforts stand out was that they offered the Allies an advantage over the Axis Powers in terms of utilizing an additional workforce. Unfortunately, these women are widely unrecognized for this advantage and are brushed aside. It is important to recognize the significance of how these women impacted the Allies socially and militarily, and this work aims to expand the discussion in World War II studies.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Aviation--History, Women air pilots, World War II
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An Examination of Recurring Misogynistic & Intersecting Sexist/Racist Female Character Tropes in Popular Science Fiction & Superhero Films & Television Since 1996.
Ronson, Jeannette H., Caputi, Jane, Florida Atlantic University, Center for Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
The representation of lead female characters as sexually threatening or naturally deceptive, hysterical, or evil, especially non-White or non-gender conforming characters, in popular science fiction and superhero film and television productions over the past few decades is concerning in that these films promote misogynistic and intersecting racist and hetero/sexist tropes in genres that typically appeal to younger audiences. Within their historical roots as cheap print entertainment, i.e.,...
Show moreThe representation of lead female characters as sexually threatening or naturally deceptive, hysterical, or evil, especially non-White or non-gender conforming characters, in popular science fiction and superhero film and television productions over the past few decades is concerning in that these films promote misogynistic and intersecting racist and hetero/sexist tropes in genres that typically appeal to younger audiences. Within their historical roots as cheap print entertainment, i.e., pulp magazines and comic books, directed at White working-class boys and young men, these genres have historically, and unabashedly, featured scantily clad, sometimes racially stereotyped, sexually titillating temptresses such as the Dragon Lady and Catwoman that threatened the hyper-masculine hero as well as humanity. Ignored by literary and cinematic critics throughout the twentieth century as juvenile male fantasy entertainment, the science fiction and superhero genres in film and television now dominate Hollywood productions. Unfortunately, these genres in the twenty-first century still often promote damaging female tropes that suggest women as naturally defective, deceptive, power-hungry, irrational, raging monsters reminiscent of historical patriarchal myths of women. Additionally, a recent popular Netflix television series includes a character assigned female at birth (AFAB) who presents as gender non-conforming and carries attributes such as irrational rage and murderous violence that follows the historic cinematic trope of the “gleeful gay killer” as seen in Psycho (1960) and Dressed to Kill (1980). Although these themes in film and television are fantasy, they also mirror and bring to life the political and cultural anxieties of a significant number of men in our country who support the ideology of the manosphere that includes anti-feminist, anti-LGBTQ+, White supremacist, and racist beliefs. This dissertation examines three popular Hollywood films and one Emmy Award winning Netflix television series from the science-fiction and superhero genres since 1996 that reveal damaging female tropes that still prevail in popular entertainment.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Women in motion pictures, Tropes, Misogyny, Superhero films
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Women’s Basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s Basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s Basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s Basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s Basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s Basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s Basketball 1998-1999.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s Basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s Basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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Women’s Basketball.
Subject Headings
Florida Atlantic University -- History, Florida Atlantic University -- Students, Florida Atlantic University -- Women’s Basketball, College sports --United States --History
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