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Het politiek systema van de regeering van Amsterdam,
Onpartydige aanmerkingen op de Memorie van den heer Ridder York, aan hun hoog mog gepresenteerd, den 21 maart, 1780.
 A discourse, delivered at the anniversary meeting of the freemen of the town of New-Haven, April 12, 1773
A sermon preached at Cambridge, before His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson, Esq ; governor: His Honor Andrew Oliver, Esq ; lieutenant-governor, the Honorable His Majesty's Council, and the Honorable House of Representatives, of the province of the Massachuse
A sermon preached before His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq ;
A sermon preached before His Excellency Francis Bernard, esq. Governor, His Honor Thomas Hutchinson, esq. Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable His Majesty's Council, and the Honorable House of Representatives, of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New
 A sermon preached to the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in Boston, New-England, June 1, 1767 :
Divine judgments upon tyrants: and compassion to the oppressed. : a sermon, preached at Lexington, April 20th, 1778. In commemoration of the murderous war and rapine, inhumanly perpetrated, by two brigades of British troops, in that town and neighbourhood
A sermon preached in the Third Presbyterian Church in the city of Philadelphia, on Thursday December 11, 1783 : the day appointed by the United States in Congress assembled, to be observed as a day of thanksgiving, for the restoration of peace, and establ
A sermon, delivered to the First religious society in Roxbury, December 11, 1783; being the first day of public thanksgiving, in America, after the restoration of peace, and the ultimate acknowledgment of her independence
The reward of Toryism. : a discourse on Judges V. 23.
God is to be praised for the glory of his majesty, and for his mighty works. A sermon, delivered at North-Haven, December 11, 1783. The day appointed by the United States for a general thanksgiving on account of the peace concluded with Great-Britain.
The Lord is to be praised for the triumphs of his power. : A sermon, preached at Greenwich, in Connecticut, on the 18th of December 1777. : Being a general thanksgiving through the United American States.
Simplicity and godly sincerity, in a Christian minister, the sure way to happiness :
A sermon preached in Long-Meadow at the publick fast, April 17th, MDCCLXXXVIII
A sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the colony of Connecticut :
The art of war lawful, and necessary for a Christian people, considered and enforced :
The Counsel of two confederate Kings to set the Son of Tabeal on the Throne, represented as evil, in it's natural tendency and moral aspect : a sermon occasion'd by the present rebellion in favour of the Pretender : preach'd in Boston at the Thursday-lect
The agency and providence of God acknowledged, in the preservation of the American states. : a sermon preached at the annual thanksgiving, December 7th, 1780.
The dangers of our national prosperity, and the way to avoid them : a sermon, preached before the General Assembly of the state of Connecticut, at Hartford, May 12th, 1785
