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New York schools are invaded. The Coudert committee: a spur to anti-semitism, a shield for pro-fascists
Pioneers in U.S. cryptology.
Letters to Judd: An American Workingman
Land of the pilgrim's pride, 1932-1933
Election platform Communist Party: New York municipal elections, 1933
Arab Propaganda in the United States
Fix bayonets, against whom?
Foreign trade and the worker's job
Is Russia Moving Toward Political Democracy?
Jobs, peace, unity: John L. Lewis speaks to youth
Die Juden in USA; über hundert Bilddokumente,
After the war-- full employment
American women in the postwar world; a symposium of the role women will play in business and industry, prepared by Newsweek's Club bureau.
Unity in American Judaism -- how and when
Union monopoly power
Thirty million jobs
Toward revolutionary mass work
Toward an American revolutionary labor movement;  statement of programmatic orientation
We, the people
What about Communism? : a report to the American people
