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The Impact of “Real World” Experiences through Academic Service Learning on Students’ Success Rate, Attitudes, and Motivation in Intermediate Algebra at a Public University
examination of the implementation of the Intel Essentials project-based learning model on middle and secondary reading and language arts FCAT student achievement and engagement
Ecoqueer: Moving Beyond Ecocomposition's Heteronormative Binaries
Bilingual education and biliteracy in the Brazilian community: An attitudinal study
Let us go then, you and I: Teaching "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
Maternal Involvement in Math Homework and its Influence on Adolescents’ Math Outcomes During the Transition to Middle School: Who Profits from Homework Assistance?
The law of God and the statutes of men. A sermon, preached at the Music hall in Boston, on Sunday, June 18, 1854.
Mercy remembered in wrath : a sermon preached by the Rev. Dr. Fuller, on Thursday, September 26, 1861, being the day of national fasting, humiliation and prayer.
Thanksgiving for victories : discourse
Peace through victory : sermon
Effects of teaching mathematics to learning style perceptual preference on academic achievement of seventh-grade middle school students
Discourse on the uses and importance of history, illustrated by a comparison of the American and French Revolutions.
The character and influence of abolitionism : a sermon preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, on Sabbath evening, December 9th, 1860
