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Spawning by captive serranid fishes: a review
Mating behavior and spawning of the banded coral shrimp Stenopus hispidus in the laboratory
Technical notes:  Laboratory spawning of sheepshead
Effect of eyestalk ablation on molt cycle and reproduction in the banded coral shrimp, Stenopus hispidus (Oliver)
Voluntary spawning of captive Nassau groupers Epinephelus striatus in a concrete raceway
Influence of wave-induced disturbance on seasonal spawning patterns in the sabellariid polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa
Voluntary spawning patterns of captive spotted seatrout
Development of aquaculture methods for southern flounderParalichthys lethostigma: I. Spawning and larval culture
Spawning season of common snook along the east central Florida coast
Larval development (with observations on spawning) of the pencil urchin Phyllacanthus imperialis: a new intermediate larval form?
The origin of cortical vesicles and their role in egg envelope formation in the "spiny" eggs of a calanoid copepod, Centropages velificatus
Spawning behaviors of northeast Pacific sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea: Echinodermata)
Captive breeding behavior of four Strombidae conch
The combined effects of temperature and salinity on growth, development, and survival for tropical gastropod veligers of Strombus gigas
Enhancing hard clam (Mercenaria spp.) population density in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida: a comparison of strategies to maintain the commercial fishery
Effects of waterborne gametes on the aggregation behavior of Lytechinus variegatus
The biology of external fertilization indeep-sea echinoderms
Hormone-induced ovulation of black sea bass females and rearing of larvae
Estimating fertilization success in marine benthic invertebrates: a case study with the tropical sea star Oreaster reticulatus
Volitional spawning of Florida pompano, Trachinotus carolinus, induced via administration of gonadotropin releasing hormoneanalogue (GnRHa)
