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Assessing Data Interoperability ofUML Modeling Tools
Visualization of Impact Analysis on Configuration Management Data for Software Process Improvement
comparative study of attribute selection techniques for CBR-based software quality classification models
Fuzzy logic techniques for software reliability engineering
Software decomposition for multicore architectures
Software reliability engineering with genetic programming
Models and Implementations of Online Laboratories; A Definition of a Standard Architecture to Integrate Distributed Remote Experiments
Modular software design methodology in a social context: Its use on large projects
Software reliability engineering: An evolutionary neural network approach
Development of a Mobile Mapping System for Road Corridor Mapping
Analyzing software repository data to synthesize and visualize relationships between development artifacts
CBR-based software quality models and quality of data
Ensemble-classifier approach to noise elimination: A case study in software quality classification
Correcting noisy data and expert analysis of the correction process
procedure for evaluation and selection of computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools for analysis and design
Fault tolerance and reliability patterns
Towards a methodology for building reliable systems
pattern-driven process for secure service-oriented applications
A Comparison of Model Checking Tools for Service Oriented Architectures
Model-Driven Architecture and the Secure Systems Methodology
