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  Legislative program of the Socialist Party;record of the work of the Socialist representatives in the state legislatures of the United States, 1899-1913, with account of efforts of the party in direct legislation
Youth betrayed
The position of the middle-class worker in the transition to socialism
The role of the individual in history
State and revolution
State and revolution
Socialism for America
Anarchism versus socialism
Il fascismo e la crisi italiana
A workers' world
Inside Cuba: A special report on the Cuba roundtable
Report of the National Executive Committee to the 42nd annual conference to be held in the central hall, Westminster S.W. June 14th to 18th, 1943
Report of National Secretary to National Congress, May 15, 1910
Roosevelt exposes socialism
Security or the dole
Significance of Social Security
Declaration of principles and constitution of the Workers Party of the U.S.
From young socialists to young communists
Max Eastman's address to the jury in the second Masses trial : in defense of the Socialist position and the right of free speech.
Looking forward
