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Aquatic phobias permeated through African American culture, economics, and politics
Marketing the television apparatus for American consumption: Producing meaning in contemporary magazine advertisements
Roma uncovered
Eminent domain as enclosure movement: the privatization of law under neoliberalism
Quality children's literature that supports fifth-grade state standards in United States history: A content analysis of historical fiction, biography, and informational tradebooks
Women's feminist collective identity: A liberal feminist analysis of feminist identification and feminist consciousness
Racial Inequalities in America: Examining Socieoeconomic Statistics Using the Semantic Web
impact of racial diversity on state welfare policies
Trilling R's
Roosevelt's new deal: what it means to the workers: how it is being applied in every mine, mill, factory and city: why every worker should participate in the local elections.
Creating the ideal citizen: rhetorical education and the public sphere
Dinner conversation
Filipina-South Florida international Internet marriage practice
call of public service
Social Constructions and Narratives: An Analysis of the US Refugee Policy From 1980-2018
The propaganda of socialism. Report to the National Congress of the Socialist Party, held May 15, 1910. Submitted by M. Hillquit.
Cultural perspectives among children of Guatemalan Maya immigrants in Lake Worth, Florida
Educating our students to educate other students about ‘other’ students: teaching activities
Influence of a professional development module focused on the research-based evidence of the culture and gender bias found in Disney animated fairy tales on preprimary early childhood teachers
