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Reel versus Real: Interracial Relationships within the South Asian Diaspora
One yard shy of empowerment
Mirror neurons: imitation and emotional differences among males and females
Sports and its effects on gender typing
Anti-Victorian attitudes in Thomas Hardy's "Jude the Obscure"
Men's partner-directed insults and sexual coercion in intimate relationships
Sex differences and similarities in preferred mating arrangements
Women and executive office: Candidates, campaigns, and consequences
Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Gender Bias
Finding a Room of One’s Own: Veronica Franco and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Gender, sports, and adjustment in preadolescent children
Image Restoration in the Apologetic in the Apologetic Rhetoric of Professional Athletes: A Case Study of Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Phelps
Plasma Steroid Hormones in Loggerhead and Green Sea Turtle Hatchlings
Narcissism, perceptions of peer relationships, and target-specific aggression in middle childhood
The rhetoric of law and love: legally (re)defining  marriage
analysis of Iraqi women's political participation, civil rights, and societal roles
Women's rape avoidance
Women’s Plasticity During Childhood and their Influence on Rape-Avoidance Behaviors
Determination of sex ratios and their relationship to nest temperature of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta, L.) hatchlings produced along the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States
Policy of Abuse: A Framework of Public Policy Dimensions Analyzing Systematic Sexual Violence in Bosnia
