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Block scheduling: Its impact on academic achievement, and the perceptions of students, teachers, and administrators
Comparing levels of school performance to science teachers' reports on knowledge/skills, instructional use and student use of computers
desired role vs. the actual role of the Lutheran elementary school board as viewed by selected principals, school board chairpersons, and pastors of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
threat of school choice and changes in public school organizations
views of selected school administrators in Broward County, Florida on managing culturally diverse schools
Examining the governance and administration of public higher education in Florida: An exploratory study of organizational elite theory
The Relationship Between Learning Organization Principles and Student Achievement in Catholic Schools
Sustaining reform efforts in Broward County schools: A study of the Coalition of Essential Schools
Teacher involvement in school reform
study of transformational leadership and student achievement in inner-city elementary schools
relationship between principal leadership actions and business and social justice cultures in schools
An examination of the southern association of colleges and schools commission on colleges’ quality enhancement plans at two institutions through the lens of quality improvement
Exploring teachers' perceptions of professional development in virtual learning teams
A Study of the Relationships Among Leadership, Culture, and Student Achievement in Catholic Schools
Bowling in Different Alleys: A Study of Neighborhood Organizations and Schools
Opinions of black and white female potential educational administrators toward barriers to career advancement
Leading Transformational Change: A Study of Internationalization at Three Universities in the United States
A Model for Improving Teacher Engagement Through Administrative Support
A Study of School Improvement Plans, School DecisionMaking and Advocacy, and Their Correlation to Student Academic Achievement
impact of block scheduling on academic achievement and the perceptions of teachers and administrators in selected South Florida high schools
