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Fast underwater acoustic data link design via multicarrier modulation and higher-order statistics equalization
Investigation of Rotational Deviations on Single Fiducial Tumor Tracking with Simulated Respiratory Motion using Synchrony® Respiratory Motion Tracking for Cyberknife® Treatment
Study on Reinforced Soft Actuator for Exoskeleton Actuators
Mobile docking of REMUS-100 equipped with USBL-APS to an unmanned surface vehicle: a performance feasibility study
force sensor system for the real time measurement of thrust on an AUV
transputer-based fault-tolerant robot controller
Statistical bounds on handoff probabilities under different fading channel models of mobile communication
Development of a graphical user interface for a Stewart platform
Testing Momentum Enhancement Of Ribbon Fin Based Propulsion Using A Robotic Model With An Adjustable Body
planar cable-driven robotic device for physical therapy assistance
Object recognition by genetic algorithm
adaptive computed torque controller for the I.B.M. Electric Drive Robot
simplistic approach to reactive multi-robot navigation in unknown environments
Design & performance of a wind and solar-powered autonomous surface vehicle
Development of a morphing autonomous underwater vehicle for path and station keeping in complex current environments
Design of an Aquatic Quadcopter with Optical Wireless Communications
