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The national security and the national faith; guarantees for the national freedman and the national creditor.
Speech of Hon. Amasa J. Parker, Democratic candidate for governor
Endicott's letter : Garfield's speech on honest money : delivered at Faneuil Hall, Boston, Sept. 10, 1878
The great fraud upon the public credulity in the organization of the Republican party upon the ruins of the "Whig party," an address to the old-line Whigs of the Union.
Address by Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, delivered at the dinner of the Democratic Club in Philadelphia, on Tuesday night, February 21, 1911.
Resources of the country : How peace can be obtained : remarks of Hon. Reuben E. Fenton, at Jamestown, N.Y., Tuesday evening, September 8, 1864
Free soil, free speech, free men : proceedings of the Democratic Republican State Convention at Syracuse, July 24, 1856 : the address and resolutions, with the list of delegates.
"Facts and figures for the hour" : speech of George May Powell, of Wisconsin
Senator Sherman's defense, as delivered by himself, at Springfield, Ohio, October 4th, 1865,
The assertions of a secessionist.
The slave power : its heresies and injuries to the American people : a speech
Oration, by William H. Seward, at Plymouth : December 21, 1855.
Slavery and the rebellion, one and inseparable
Speeches of Hon. Edgar Cowan of Pennsylvania, Hon. Jas. R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, Hon. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of Treasury, letter of Hon. O.H. Browning, of Illinois, and an address by a member of the club : also the condition of the South, a report o
Address of Hon. Geo. F. Hoar : at the organization of the Grant and Wilson Club of Worcester, in Mechanics Hall, August 13, 1872.
Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster at the National Republican convention, in Worcester, Oct. 12, 1832.
Great speech of Maj.-Gen. Kilpatrick, at Salem on Tuesday evening Oct. 27, 1868 : in opposition to the re-election of Gen. Butler to congress
Extracts from Gen. James A. Garfield's speeches in support of law, order, and justice, the Constitutional powers of the government and the maintenance of the honor and interests of the people and nation.
Union League Club of New York. : Address of the president, June 23, 1866
President Hayes's southern policy. : an address delivered in the town hall, Hiram, Ohio, Tuesday evening, September 25, 1877.
