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effects of Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) on gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) habitat utilization
Genetic variation amongst different populations of Typha domingensis and Typha latifolia (cattails) in the Florida Everglades
Sulfur-35 incorporation in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum under oxic and anoxic conditions
Plant colonization on a newly restored floodplain of the Kissimmee River, Florida
Exploring conservation: Piquigua, Heteropsis Ecuadorensis, in Ecuador
Salinity Assessment, Change, and Impact on Plant Stress / Canopy Water Content (CWC) in Florida Bay using Remote Sensing and GIS
effect of canopy shading on relative primary productivity of periphyton in Water Conservation Area 2-A, Everglades
Cultivated food plants: culture and gendered spaces of colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador
Resource stewardship: rain forest use among three ethnic groups of Ecuador
Vegetation time series analysis of the Loxahatchee Slough, Palm Beach County, Florida: A GIS incorporating satellite imagery with black and white aerial photography
