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Non-Academic Factors Contributing to the Academic Outcomes of Students in a Community College Developmental Education Program
Instructional Leadership In High Schools: The Effects of Principals, Assistant Principals, and Department Heads on Student Achievement
Factors that relate to the persistence of first-generation undergraduate students in a public university
The Effects of the Student Success Skills Classroom Program on Self-Regulation, School Attendance, and Test Anxiety on Hispanic Fifth-Grade Students
impact of collegial peer coaching teacher training program upon Palm Beach County teachers' sense of self-efficacy
The Effects of Interactive Read-Alouds on the Reading Achievement of Middle Grade Reading Students in a Core Remedial Program
A critical analysis of first generation black male college students’ perceptions of their preparation for college level mathematics
Selected Student Characteristics and Science Achievement in a Mid-Sized Secondary School
Talking in Circles: A Mixed Methods Study of School-wide Restorative Practices in Two Urban Middle Schools
effects of a culturally translated school counselor-led intervention on the academic achievement of fourth and fifth grade Haitian students
How Do Children's Attitudes Toward Reading Relate To Reading Practice And Reading Achievement?
Socio-Cultural Leadership: An Innovative Model For School Leadership
Historians of 19th Century Baseball: Exploring Their Experiences Regarding Their Avocation
Perceptions of Academic Resilience Among Teachers and Twelfth Grade Adolescent Girls
The Impact of “Real World” Experiences through Academic Service Learning on Students’ Success Rate, Attitudes, and Motivation in Intermediate Algebra at a Public University
A Case Study of the Reported Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies by Postsecondary Instructors of Developmental Reading Courses With Struggling Adult Readers to Increase Comprehension
The analysis of barriers and motivators of early care and education English as a second language students enrolled in a state college customized ECE ESL course
Maternal Involvement in Math Homework and its Influence on Adolescents’ Math Outcomes During the Transition to Middle School: Who Profits from Homework Assistance?
