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Derivation of planar diffeomorphisms from Hamiltonians with a kick
Theoretical study of binary alloy thin film growth
study of divisors and algebras on a double cover of the affine plane
Simulating the dynamic interaction of an AUV and towed magnetometer
Simulation study on option pricing under jump diffusion models
Simplicial matter in discrete and quantum spacetimes
CFD Study of Pectoral Fins of Larval Zebrafish: Effect of Reynolds Number, Swimming Kinematics and Fin Bending on Fluid Structures and Transport.
Empirical beam angle optimization for lung cancer intensity modulated radiation therapy
Elliptic curves: identity-based signing and quantum arithmetic
Statistics preserving spatial interpolation methods for missing precipitation data
Streamflow extremes and climate variability in Southeastern United States
Sparse Modeling Applied to Patient Identification for Safety in Medical Physics Applications
A Computational Study on Different Penalty Approaches for Constrained Optimization in Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning with a Simulated Annealing Algorithm
How interpersonal coordination changes the self: Theory, experiment, and adaptive HKB model of social memory
The Advantages of Collimator Optimization for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
Subjecting the CHIMERA supernova code to two hydrodynamic test problems, (i) Riemann problem and (ii) Point blast explosion
