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Comparison of the anaerobic microbiota of deep-water Geodia spp. and sandy sediments in the Straits of Florida
Future studies of zooplankton behavior: questions and technological developments
Biomonitoring of hypoxia and sulfide stress in three sub-tropical seagrasses
Deep-Water Biogenic Sediment off the Coast of Florida
Ocean Acidification Effects on Photosynthesis in Tropical Marine Macroalgae
chemistry of Briareum asbestinum
Jaws of significance
Aspects of the population ecology and life history of the co-occurring crabs Eurypanopeus depressus (Smith) and Eurypanopeus dissimilis (Benedict and Rathbun) (Crustacea:Decapoda:Xanthidae)
Developmental Morphology of Flippers in Sea Turtles and Penguins
Response of tropical marine macroalgae to thermal stress
Temperature and Salinity Response Surface Analysis of a Subtropical Oyster Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791)
Isolation, Analysis and Origin of Bioactive Diterpenes in Pseudopterogorgia acerosa.
Sulfur-35 incorporation in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum under oxic and anoxic conditions
Characterization of symbiotic algae, genus Symbiodinium, in corals at St. Lucie reef, Florida
The Role Of Disturbance In The Genotypic And Morphological Diversity Of Halodule Wrightii
Mangrove Morphological Change Across an Environmental Gradients: Implications for Competitive Ability in a Changing Climate
Coral-Algal Symbioses in Mesophotic Montastraea cavernosa in the Gulf of Mexico
Interpretation of seafloor topologies based on IKONOS satellite imagery of a shallow-marine carbonate platform
The Role of Chemoreception and Host-Use on the Behavioral Ecology of the Pea Crab Tunicotheres moseri (Rathbun, 1918) in Tampa Bay, Florida
Climate change and the molecular ecology of arctic marine mammals
