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Nutrition and habitat driven foraging of wild dolphins in the Bahamas
Coral-Algal Symbioses in Mesophotic Montastraea cavernosa in the Gulf of Mexico
The Ascidian Styela plicata As a Potential Bioremediator of the Brown Tide Pelagophytes Aureoumbra lagunensis and Aureococcus anophagefferens
Solitary ascidians as predators of invertebrate larvae: evidence from gut analyses and plankton samples
The physical basis of transparency in biological tissue: Ultrastructure and the minimization of light scattering
The role of density dependence in a marine infaunal community
Future studies of zooplankton behavior: questions and technological developments
Effects of stressors on differential gene expression and secondary metabolites by Axinella corrugata
Ecosystem health and environmental influences on innate immune function in the loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtle
Jaws of significance
Limitations on macroinvertebrate populations in South Florida weltands
Snapping shrimp protect host anemones from predators
Development of Methods for Separation and Characterization of Proteins from Gorgonian Sources
Characterization of symbiotic algae, genus Symbiodinium, in corals at St. Lucie reef, Florida
Phosphorus limitation in reef macroalgae of South Florida
ascidian Styela plicata as a potential bioremediator of bacterial and algal contamination of marine estuarine waters
Aggressive Behaviors Of Adult Male Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) During Intraspecific And Interspecific Aggressive Interactions
A generalized stochastic birth/death population model based on Indian RiverLagoon dolphins
