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Use of real-time qPCR to quantify members of the unculturable heterotrophic bacterial community in a deep sea marine sponge, Vetulina sp
In situ observations on three species of largefinned deep-sea squids
Estimating fertilization success in marine benthic invertebrates: a case study with the tropical sea star Oreaster reticulatus
Propagation and perception of bioluminescence: factors affecting counterillumination as a cryptic strategy
Biology: Fish
A survey of themarine diatoms of Puerto Rico I. suborders Coscinodiscineae and Rhizosoleniineae
Photo album and taxonomy of benthic macrobiota and fish from 2011-2013 ROV dives on shelf-edge MPAs off southeastern U.S.
Visual physiology of the Antarctic amphipod Abyssorchomene plebs
Quantitative assessment of marine sponge cells in vitro: Development of improved growth medium
In situ feeding rates of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis mccradyi
Prey selectivity of the fishes Stephanolepis hispidus and Histrio histrio on the Sargassum shrimps Latreutes fucorum and Leander tenuicornis
Elucidation of pseudopterosin biosynthesis: Oxidations of erogorgiaene and the intermediacy of seco-pseudopterosins
Nematocyst replacement in the sea anemone Aiptasia Pallida following predation by Lysmata Wurdemanni: an inducible defense?
Ultrastructure of gametogenesis in a chemosynthetic mytilid bivalve (Bathymodiolus childressi) from a bathyal, methane seep environment (northern Gulf of Mexico)
Effects of diet and sex ration on the reproductive output of the Florida fighting conch, Stombus alatus
Conch in the classroom: integrating queen conch activities in the curriculum
Diet variation and the consumptive effects of native centrarchids on benthic macroinvertebrates in wetlands
The Role of Chemical Cues in Locating Pelagic Sargassum by the Associated Fish Stephanolepis hispidus
Assessment of multiple paternity for the queen conch, Strombus gigas
Discovery of Loxosomella vivipara (Entoprocta: Loxosomatidae) in the Marine Sponge Hippospongia cf. gossypina (Porifera: Spongiidae) in the Florida Keys
