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Micropolitics of transition in Yugoslavia: a local and global demise.
Marinos, Martin Y., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies
The thesis provides a cultural analysis on the micropolitics of Yugoslavia wars in 1992-1995, examining local and global media coverage along with grassroots and historical dimensions. The study offers an extensive overview of scholarly literature on the Balkans, arguing that often omitted local, cultural and historical narratives of the war events reveal complex perspectives on the rationales provided on civil war. Investigating the nationalist social movements in Yugoslavia (1992-1995), the...
Show moreThe thesis provides a cultural analysis on the micropolitics of Yugoslavia wars in 1992-1995, examining local and global media coverage along with grassroots and historical dimensions. The study offers an extensive overview of scholarly literature on the Balkans, arguing that often omitted local, cultural and historical narratives of the war events reveal complex perspectives on the rationales provided on civil war. Investigating the nationalist social movements in Yugoslavia (1992-1995), the thesis articulates the need to revisit Deleuze and Guattari's framework of micropolitics to understand the cultural and historical dimensions operational in such movements. The study presents local media coverage in Nasa Borba, Borba, and Hrvatsko Slovo, focusing mainly on two major atrocities committed during the Balkan conflict, in order to shed light on the complex role of discourse emerging in war environments.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Political and social views, Political and social views, Yugoslav War, 1991-1995, Popular culture, Political aspects, Ethnic groups, Political aspects, History
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An oration, in honour to the memory of General George Washington : who died December 14, 1799, in the 68th year of his age :.
Tufts, Cotton 1732-1815, Hall, Samuel 1740-1807
delivered before the inhabitants of the town of Weymouth, at the request of their selectmen, on the 22d day of February, 1800 by Cotton Tufts, M.D.M.M.S. & A.A.S. Half title: Doctor Tufts's oration. Signatures: [A]⁴ B⁴ C² (C2 verso blank). Title in decorative line border. Engraved tail-piece. FAU Libraries' copy inscribed on half title: "RT Paine", possibly referring to Robert Treat Paine (1773-1811). In original (?) blue wrappers, side stiched with brown cord.
Subject Headings
Eulogies -- Massachusetts -- Weymouth -- Early works to 1800, Funeral addresses -- 1800, Funeral orations -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, Nobility of character -- Early works to 1800, Political culture -- United States -- History -- 18th century -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Speeches, addresses, etc., American -- 18th century, Washington, George -- 1732-1799, Washington, George -- 1732-1799 -- Death and burial, Washington, George -- 1732-1799 -- Military leadership
The dominion of Providence over the passions of men. A sermon preached at Princeton, on the 17th of May, 1776. Being the general fast appointed by the Congress through the United Colonies. To which is added, an address to the natives of Scotland residing in America.
Witherspoon, John 1723-1794
By John Witherspoon, D.D. President of the College of New-Jersey. The dominion of providence over the passions of men. : a sermon, preached at Princeton, May 17, 1775, being the general fast appointed by the Congress through the United Colonies. Includes Witherspoon, John, 1723-1794. Address to the natives of Scotland residing in America. Publisher London ; Philadelphia printed; London reprinted : for Fielding and Walker, No. 20, Pater-Noster-Row Creation Date MDCCLXXVIII. 1778
Subject Headings
Allegiance -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800, United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Religious aspects -- Sermons -- Early works to 1800, Bible -- Psalms LXXVI, 10 -- Sermons -- Early works to 1800, Fast day sermons -- New Jersey -- Princeton -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Colonies -- America -- Administration -- Sermons -- Early works to 1800, Presbyterian Church in America -- Early works to 1800, Sermons, American -- 18th century, Scots -- America -- Early works to 1800
Debates of the Convention of the state of Pennsylvania on the Constitution, proposed for the government of the United States : in two volumes.
Pennsylvania Convention (1787), Lloyd, Thomas 1756-1827
Vol. I taken accurately in short-hand by Thomas Lloyd. [Two lines from Pope] Proceedings and debates of the 12th General Assembly of Pennsylvania.The second leaf bears the title: The speeches of Thomas M'Kean & James Wilson, Esquires, in which they have unfolded the principles of free government...Only Volume I was published. Signatures: [A]⁴ B-T⁴ (T4 verso blank). Copyright entered 29 December 1787. "The Constitution proposed for the government of the United States of America."--page [5]-19....
Show moreVol. I taken accurately in short-hand by Thomas Lloyd. [Two lines from Pope] Proceedings and debates of the 12th General Assembly of Pennsylvania.The second leaf bears the title: The speeches of Thomas M'Kean & James Wilson, Esquires, in which they have unfolded the principles of free government...Only Volume I was published. Signatures: [A]⁴ B-T⁴ (T4 verso blank). Copyright entered 29 December 1787. "The Constitution proposed for the government of the United States of America."--page [5]-19. Drop-head title page [21]: Debates of the Convention of Pennsylvania. A variant has pages 21-24 misnumbered 20-23. "Errata."--Page [4], second counting at end.
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Subject Headings
Constitution (United States), Constitutional history -- United States -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Constitutional law -- United States -- Early works to 1800, Constitutions -- United States -- Early works to 1800, Federal government -- United States -- Early works to 1800, Pennsylvania -- Politics and government -- 1775-1865 -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Constitutional Convention -- (1787) -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Politics and government -- 1783-1789 -- Early works to 1800
The uniter and liberator of America : a memorial discourse on the character and career of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the North Russell Street M.E. Church, Boston, Sunday, April 23, 1865.
Haven, Gilbert 1821-1880, Magee, James P.
Includes verse. Caption title: Sermon. "Cambridge Press. Dakin and Metcalf."--verso of title page.
Subject Headings
Presidents -- United States -- Death -- Sermons, Lincoln, Abraham -- 1809-1865 -- Death and burial, Lincoln, Abraham -- 1809-1865 -- Sermons, Lincoln, Abraham -- 1809-1865 -- Views on slavery, Slavery -- Moral and ethical aspects -- United States -- 19th century -- Sermons, Slaves -- Emancipation -- United States -- Sermons, United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Sermons, Bible -- Matthew, XXVII, 42 -- Sermons, Bible -- Psalms, LXXII, 17 -- Sermons, Bible -- Psalms, XVIII, 35 -- Sermons
Die Brittanische Pallas oder: die Preiss-würdige Königin Anna von Gross-Britannien….
England and Wales Sovereign (1702-1707 : Anne), Marteau, P.
[“The British Pallas, or the worthy Queen Anne of Great Britain, who has always taken to heart and promoted the well-being and peace of Christian Europe, especially through her generous eagerness and loyalty to the Holy Roman Empire, the House of Austria and Portugal, to which she has brought remarkable advantages, and thereby acquired undying renown. Besides that, the memorable Campaigns and Victories that the chief allies have gloriously and gladly deployed in this Campaign, against their...
Show more[“The British Pallas, or the worthy Queen Anne of Great Britain, who has always taken to heart and promoted the well-being and peace of Christian Europe, especially through her generous eagerness and loyalty to the Holy Roman Empire, the House of Austria and Portugal, to which she has brought remarkable advantages, and thereby acquired undying renown. Besides that, the memorable Campaigns and Victories that the chief allies have gloriously and gladly deployed in this Campaign, against their enemies both by land and by sea, most notably in Germany, Spain, and Portugal. (Printed in) Cologne by Peter Marteau, Year 1704.”] British Pallas, or the worthy Queen Anne of Great Britain, who has always taken to heart and promoted the well-being and peace of Christian Europe, especially through her generous eagerness and loyalty to the Holy Roman Empire, the House of Austria and Portugal, to which she has brought remarkable advantages, and thereby acquired undying renown. Besides that, the memorable Campaigns and Victories that the chief allies have gloriously and gladly deployed in this Campaign, against their enemies both by land and by sea, most notably in Germany, Spain, and Portugal. The purported author, Pierre (Peter) Marteau, was actually a fictional publishing house in Cologne, Germany. However, the publications from Marteau were pressed all over Europe (Netherlands, France, other areas of Germany), not in Cologne. This allowed publishing houses not to be identified as having published satirical and other controversial documents.
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Subject Headings
Anne -- Queen of Great Britain -- 1665-1714, Europe -- Politics and government -- 1648-1715 -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- 1702-1714 -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- History -- Anne, 1702-1714 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Politics and government -- 1702-1714 -- Early works to 1800, Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714 -- Early works to 1800
Entre Nebrija y Valdâes: un diâalogo gramatical sobre el castellano renacentista.
Lewis, Ron., Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
The two earliest grammars of the Castilian language are the Grammar of the Castilian Language by Antonio de Nebrija and the Dialogue of the Language by Juan de Valdâes. The former was published in 1492, a historically paramount year for Spain, while the latter was completed in 1535 but not published until two centuries later. Working with edited texts of both grammars, secondary sources regarding the lives of Nebrija and Valdâes, and information about the history of Spain, this thesis...
Show moreThe two earliest grammars of the Castilian language are the Grammar of the Castilian Language by Antonio de Nebrija and the Dialogue of the Language by Juan de Valdâes. The former was published in 1492, a historically paramount year for Spain, while the latter was completed in 1535 but not published until two centuries later. Working with edited texts of both grammars, secondary sources regarding the lives of Nebrija and Valdâes, and information about the history of Spain, this thesis explores the linguistic substance of both works, evidence of the authors' personal attitudes and dispositions that influenced their works, and the political and social context surrounding all of these factors. The purpose of this investigation is to gain further insight into the Grammar and the Dialogue, as well as the history of Spain and the historical development of Castilian.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Criticism and interpretation, Criticism and interpretation, Spanish literature, Criticism and interpretation, Language and culture, History
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Le Voici of Pourtrait en Byzonderheeden.
Goens, Rijklof Michaël van 1748-1810
Le Voici : of Pourtrait en byzonderheeden, aangaande den politiek-vertoog-schryver, Ryklof Michaël van Goens zig voorgeevende beschermde gunsteling, van Zyn D.H. Willem den Vde. cum suis… Includes poems. Relating to the author of the "Political Dissertation" Ryklof Michaël van Goens, claiming to be the protégé and favorite of his Highness William V. Engraved portrait of R.M. van Goens on title page is unsigned.
Subject Headings
Amsterdam (Netherlands) -- Politics and government -- Early works to 1800, Anglo Dutch War, 1780-1784 -- Early works to 1800, Goens, Rijklof Michaël van -- 1748-1810 -- Politiek vertoog over het waar sistema van de stad van Amsterdam, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- United States -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Participation, Dutch -- Early works to 1800
Memoire, präsentirt durch den Herrn Stanhope [“Memorial presented at the Hagü by Mr. Stanhope, Envoy Extraordinary from His Majesty of Great Britain, to the Count d'Avoux Ambassador Extraordinary from the most Christian King.“].
Stanhope, Alexander 1639-1707, Avaux comte d' 1640-1709
Proposals from Mr. Stanhope to Mons. D’Avaux on March 22, 1701. Original in French. Regarding the succession of the Spanish king who died without issue. Proposals include the withdrawal of all troops from the Spanish Netherlands. (War of Spanish Succession)
Subject Headings
France -- Foreign relations -- 1643-1715 -- Early works to 1800, France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- 1689-1714 -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- 1648-1714 -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- France -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800, Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714 -- Diplomatic history -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, England and Wales Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III)
A Friendly Address.
Chandler, Thomas Bradbury 1726-1790, Cooper, Myles 1737-1785
A friendly address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our political confusions: in which the necessary consequences of violently opposing the king's troops, and of a general non-importation are fairly stated, Attributed to Thomas Bradbury Chandler and Myles Cooper -- Free thoughts, on the proceedings of the Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia Sept. 5, 1774: wherein their errors are exhibited, their reasonings confuted, and the fatal tendency of their non-importation, non...
Show moreA friendly address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our political confusions: in which the necessary consequences of violently opposing the king's troops, and of a general non-importation are fairly stated, Attributed to Thomas Bradbury Chandler and Myles Cooper -- Free thoughts, on the proceedings of the Continental Congress, held at Philadelphia Sept. 5, 1774: wherein their errors are exhibited, their reasonings confuted, and the fatal tendency of their non-importation, non-exportation, and non-consumption measures, are laid open to the plainest understandings; and the only means pointed out for preserving and securing our present happy constitution: in a letter to the farmers, and other inhabitants of North America in general, and to those of the province of New-York in particular / by a farmer. Attributed to Samuel Seabury, sometimes also attributed to Isaac Wilkins. Pages 52-56: Includes "Postscript" with extracts from the Capitulation of Canada and the Treaty of Paris. Anonymous. Attributed to Thomas Bradbury Chandler by NUC pre-1956 imprints and in Chandler’s "Loyalist claim." Also attributed to Myles Cooper. For evidence of authorship, cf. Vance, C.H. "Myles Cooper" (Columbia university quarterly, Sept. 1930, vol. XXII, no. 3, p. 275-276). FAU Libraries' copy inscribed at bottom of title-page: "Dr. Chandler of New Jersey." Appears to have been trimmed; rebound in contemporary patterned leather binding with gold tooling on spine and covers; all gilt edges. The endpapers are marbled. FAU Libraries has 3 different physical versions see Weiner Speeches Box 2 Folder 16 and Box 3 Folder 14
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Subject Headings
Chandler, Thomas Bradbury 1726-1790 Friendly address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our political confusions, Cooper, Myles 1737-1785 Friendly address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our political confusions, Seabury, Samuel 1729-1796 Free thoughts, on the proceedings of the Continental Congress, Wilkins, Isaac 1742-1830 Free thoughts, on the proceedings of the Continental Congress, United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Causes -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, American Revolution (1775-1783)
An address to the people of the state of New-York : shewing the necessity of making amendments to the Constitution, proposed for the United States, previous to its adoption. By a plebeian.
Smith, Melancton 1744-1798
Attributed to Smith in: Ford, Paul Leicester. Bibliography and reference list of the history and literature relating to the adoption of the Constitution (Brooklyn, 1896). City of publication and printer's name suggested by Evans. The American Antiquarian Society copy is inscribed in the hand of Thomas Wallcut: Bought of Thomas Greenleaf, printer, N. York. Ascribed to the press of Robert Hodge by Ford. Signatures: [A]⁴ B-C⁴ D² (D2 blank). Postscript, page [23]-26, contains remarks on John Jay...
Show moreAttributed to Smith in: Ford, Paul Leicester. Bibliography and reference list of the history and literature relating to the adoption of the Constitution (Brooklyn, 1896). City of publication and printer's name suggested by Evans. The American Antiquarian Society copy is inscribed in the hand of Thomas Wallcut: Bought of Thomas Greenleaf, printer, N. York. Ascribed to the press of Robert Hodge by Ford. Signatures: [A]⁴ B-C⁴ D² (D2 blank). Postscript, page [23]-26, contains remarks on John Jay's "Address to the people of the state of New-York, on the subject of the Constitution."
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Subject Headings
Constitution (United States), Constitutional history -- United States -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Constitutional law -- United States -- Popular works -- Early works to 1800, Constitutions -- United States -- Early works to 1800, Federal government -- United States -- Early works to 1800, Jay, John -- 1745-1829 -- Address to the people of the state of New York on the subject of the Constitution, New York (State) -- Politics and government -- 1775-1865 -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Constitutional Convention -- (1787) -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Politics and government -- 1783-1789 -- Early works to 1800
An oration, on the apparent, and the real political situation of the United States, pronounced before the Connecticut society of Cincinnati, assembled, at New-Haven, for the celebration of American independence, July the 4th, 1799.
Lewis, Zechariah 1773-1840, Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati
An earnest arraignment of France and of French sympathizers. By Zechariah Lewis, a tutor of Yale-college. Half-title: Mr. Lewis's oration on the 4th of July, 1799. Dedicated to Colonel Benjamin Talmadge. Signatures: [A]⁴ B-C⁴ D² (D2 verso blank). Includes bibliographical references. FAU Libraries' copy inscribed on half title: Dr. Barker, from his friend Z. Lewis. In original (?) blue wrappers.
Subject Headings
Fourth of July addresses -- 1799, Connecticut -- New Haven, Fourth of July celebrations -- Connecticut -- New Haven -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, Fourth of July orations -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, France -- Foreign relations -- United States -- Early works to 1800, Speeches, addresses, etc., American -- 18th century, United States -- Foreign relations -- 1797-1801 -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Foreign relations -- France -- Early works to 1800, United States -- History -- 1797-1801 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Politics and government -- 1789-1809 -- Early works to 1800
An oration, pronounced July 4, 1799, : at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston, in commemoration of the anniversary of American independence.
Lowell, John 1769-1840, Manning & Loring
By John Lowell, Jun. ; [Fourteen lines of quotations].
Subject Headings
Fourth of July addresses -- 1799, Fourth of July celebrations -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- Early works to 1800, Fourth of July orations -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, France -- Foreign relations -- United States -- Early works to 1800, Massachusetts -- Boston, Speeches, addresses, etc., American -- 18th century, United States -- Foreign relations -- 1797-1801 -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Foreign relations -- France -- Early works to 1800, United States -- History -- 1797-1801 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, United States -- Politics and government -- 1789-1809 -- Early works to 1800
Divine alchemy in Paradise Lost.
Rutherford, Andrea J., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of English
This study examines the themes of alchemy and transformation in Paradise Lost and seventeenth-century thought. Beginning with an overvieiw of the historical roots of alchemy, this study analyzes the ancient, underlying philosophical concepts that marital union produces the birth of the soul and that destruction is necessary for this birth. Alchemical references identified in Paradise Lost include animal lore and direct alchemical images, which demonstrate Milton's knowledge of alchemy and his...
Show moreThis study examines the themes of alchemy and transformation in Paradise Lost and seventeenth-century thought. Beginning with an overvieiw of the historical roots of alchemy, this study analyzes the ancient, underlying philosophical concepts that marital union produces the birth of the soul and that destruction is necessary for this birth. Alchemical references identified in Paradise Lost include animal lore and direct alchemical images, which demonstrate Milton's knowledge of alchemy and his deliberate use of the alchemical metaphor. These themes support the proposal that Milton, a Christian humanist, uses alchemy as a metaphor described in this study as "divine alchemy," which begins with his belief that Christians, inheriting original sin, must submit themselves to a transformative process similar to transmutation to restore right reason and, ultimately, achieve salvation.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Criticism and interpretation, Influence, Knowledge, Science, Symbolism in literature, Science in literature, Literature and science, History
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Nixon and the environment: clean air, automobiles and reelection.
Escobar, Erwin Mauricio., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of History
the decades after World War II the United States became the most prosperous nation in the world. Yet, that prosperity and growth had a negative impact on the environmental quality of the nation. By the mid 1960s there was a rise in concern over environmental issues in the American public. Consequently, President Richard M. Nixon in his determination to give the American people what they sought decided to enact policies to bring the environmental crisis to an end. Among the environmental...
Show morethe decades after World War II the United States became the most prosperous nation in the world. Yet, that prosperity and growth had a negative impact on the environmental quality of the nation. By the mid 1960s there was a rise in concern over environmental issues in the American public. Consequently, President Richard M. Nixon in his determination to give the American people what they sought decided to enact policies to bring the environmental crisis to an end. Among the environmental policies of the Nixon Administration was the Clean Air Act of 1970, a highly controversial piece of legislation that placed tough regulations on the automobile industry. Due to the significant role of the auto industry in the American economy, and Nixon's concerns over reelection, there were two major shifts in business/government relations during this era. The first one was characterized by determination to protect the environment with little attention to complaints from the industry. The second one was about protecting the profitability of the industry while giving little attention to environmental problems.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Political and social views, Presidents, Election, History, Air quality management, Government policy, Air, Pollution, Law and legislation, Automobile industry and trade, Environmental aspects, Transportation, Environmental aspects, Politics and government
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A dark, uncertain fate: homophobia, graphic novels, and queer identity.
Buso, Michael., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of English
This thesis focuses primarily on homophobia and how it plays a role in the construction of queer identities, specifically in graphic novels and comic books. The primary texts being analyzed are Alan Moore's Lost Girls, Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, and Michael Chabon's prose novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Throughout these and many other comics, queer identities reflect homophobic stereotypes rather than resisting them. However, this thesis argues that,...
Show moreThis thesis focuses primarily on homophobia and how it plays a role in the construction of queer identities, specifically in graphic novels and comic books. The primary texts being analyzed are Alan Moore's Lost Girls, Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, and Michael Chabon's prose novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Throughout these and many other comics, queer identities reflect homophobic stereotypes rather than resisting them. However, this thesis argues that, despite the homophobic tendencies of these texts, the very nature of comics (their visual aspects, panel structures, and blank gutters) allows for an alternative space for positive queer identities.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Criticism and interpretation, Criticism and interpretation, Criticism and interpretation, Sex in literature, Homophobia, Gender identity, Comic books, strips, etc, History and criticism
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Neville Chamberlain, Oswald Mosley, and the historiography of appeasement revisited.
Ortiz, Michael., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of History
This thesis analyzes the historiography of Neville Chamberlain and appeasement through the lens of Oswald Mosley and British Fascism, arguing that an acute and unexpected convergence emerges between the ardent radicalism of Mosley and the utter rationality of Chamberlain, illustrating the uncanny degree to which appeasement as a policy dovetailed with fascism as an ideology. Beginning at the Spanish Civil War and ending in March 1939, politicians in the vein of Chamberlain - subsequently...
Show moreThis thesis analyzes the historiography of Neville Chamberlain and appeasement through the lens of Oswald Mosley and British Fascism, arguing that an acute and unexpected convergence emerges between the ardent radicalism of Mosley and the utter rationality of Chamberlain, illustrating the uncanny degree to which appeasement as a policy dovetailed with fascism as an ideology. Beginning at the Spanish Civil War and ending in March 1939, politicians in the vein of Chamberlain - subsequently dubbed 'appeasers' - pursued appeasement as a means to placate German aggression. The British Union of Fascists, with Mosley at the helm, enthusiastically supported this movement and urged the British Government to intensify the appeasement campaign. Ultimately, the convergence of appeasement and fascism illustrates the severe lack of alternatives available to Chamberlain, and underscores the degree to which his pragmatic politics supported fascism abroad.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Views on Germany, World War, 1939-1945, Diplomatic history, Fascism, World politics, Politics and government, Foreign relations, Foreign relations, Foreign relations
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