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Characterization of the Mesophotic Benthic Habitat and Fish Assemblagesfrom ROV Dives on Pulley Ridge and Tortugas during 2012 and 2013 R/V Walton SmithCruises
Midwater fish assemblages andseamounts
Analysis of soundproduction in estuarine aggregations of Pogonias Cromis, Bairdiella Chrysoura, and CynoscionNebulosos (Sciaenidae)
Toxicity of the Organophosphate insecticide fenthion, alone and with thermal fog carriers, to an estuarine copepod and young fish
Barramundi culture: A success story for aquaculture in Asia and Australia
Using red light for in situ observations of deep-sea fishes
Effects of organophosphorous mosquito adulticides on hatching fish larvae, other estuarine zooplankton, and juvenile fish
Effects of organophosphorous mosquito adulticides on hatching fish larvae, other estuarine zooplankton, and juvenile fish
Spawning and development of Nassau grouper at Grand Cayman
A comparison of the fish populations and habitat in open and closed salt marsh impoundments in east—central Florida
A novel vertebrate eye using both refractive and reflective optics
South Atlantic MPAs and deepwater coral HAPCs: Characterization of benthic habitat, benthic macrobiota, and fish communities; NOAA Ship Nancy Foster 2014 cruise.  NOAA CIOERT Report
Proposed HAPCs/MPAs for mesophotic and deepwater coral/sponge habitat and essential fish habitat in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.  A proposal to the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council.  GOMFMC Webinar, September 22, 2014
Effects of summer upwelling on the abundance and vertical distribution of fish and crustacean larvae off central Florida’s Atlantic coast
Starter diets for channel catfish: effects of dietary protein on growth and carcass composition
Correspondence: Phosphorus-rich waters at Glovers Reef, Belize?
Impacts of bottom trawling on a deep-water Oculina coral ecosystem off Florida
Deep-water reefs off the southeastern U.S.: recent discoveries and research
Evaluation of a simulation model forpredicting early morning oxygen depletion in tropical brackishwater tilapia ponds
Formulation and processing of hatchery diets for channel catfish
