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Identity politics and the university
Cultural perspectives among children of Guatemalan Maya immigrants in Lake Worth, Florida
Ethnicity, Gender and Pain Interference’s Influence on Depression Among Older Adults with Osteoarthritis
intersection of gender and Italian/Americaness
Using the "We the People...The Citizen and the Constitution" curriculum to improve middle school minority student knowledge and understanding of the United States Constitution and perception of their rights and responsibilities in American society
Educating our students to educate other students about ‘other’ students: teaching activities
Attitudes towards multilanguage use among Latino and Asian immigrants in the United States
Interview with Toni Mountain – ca. 2008
"Viens a la maison"
Indians and underdogs
Matters of life and death: a comparative analysis of content in Maori traditional and contemporary art and dance as a reflection of fundamental Maori cultural issues and the formation and perpetuation of Maori and non-Maori cultural identity in New Zealan
Searching for Home: The Formation and Preservation of Bosnian Bosniac Identity in Florida
More social capital please!
Cross-cultural stories of race and change
Embodied Mimicry: Lightening Black Bodies in the Visual Rhetoric of Popular 20th Century Black Media
Racial Inequalities in America: Examining Socieoeconomic Statistics Using the Semantic Web
Minority representation in popular culture
Multicultural education and high school English teachers: a teacher awareness study
From Subaltern to President: Evo Morales, New Social Movements, and Regional Autonomies in Bolivia
Courtisanes et modeles: Representations de la femme juive dans la litterature francaise du dix-neuvieme siecle
