Current Search:  Educational leadership (x)

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 Perceptions of lawyers on career transition, transferable  skills, and preparation for community college leadership
The Perceived Impact of Technology-Based Informal Learning on Membership Organizations
Principal leadership
District Leadership and Systemic Inclusion: A Case Study of One Inclusive, Effective School District
art of leadership
multi-site case study of a professional learning community model: the impact of learning team meetings on teacher practice and student achievement from the perspective of teachers and instructional leaders
examination of the role and career paths of chief research administrators in selected major research universities in the United States
impact of community college presidents' mentoring practices on protege success
Instructional leadership: Principals making a difference with high-poverty and minority populations to improve instruction and increase student achievement
study of transformational leadership and student achievement in inner-city elementary schools
Investigation of the value of teacher leadership capacity-building: Implementation of an intervention framework to raise student achievement
Socio-Cultural Leadership: An Innovative Model For School Leadership
An Assessment of Leadership Practice in High Schools: Improving Graduation Rates
A Quantitative Analysis of Green-Building Features Incorporated in LEED-Certified Campus Buildings
relationship between principal leadership actions and business and social justice cultures in schools
Transformational learning and self-efficacy: an investigation into their role in prophylactic mastectomy
Teacher collegiality and collaboration in exemplary high school math departments
A Model for Improving Teacher Engagement Through Administrative Support
Perceptions of Academic Resilience Among Teachers and Twelfth Grade Adolescent Girls
comparative, holistic, multi-case study of the implementation of the Strategic Thinking Protocolà and traditional strategic planning processes at a southeastern university
