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application of Bowen Family Systems Theory to the high school principalship
impact of block scheduling on academic achievement and the perceptions of teachers and administrators in selected South Florida high schools
Academic performance and demographic variables in predicting success in college algebra and graduation rates in an urban multi-campus community college
Teacher perceptions of response to intervention for English learners
Teacher Perspectives on The Marzano Teacher Evaluation Model during year one of Implementation
The Relationship of Transformational Leadership and Reading Achievement in Broward County, Florida Charter Schools
The true life of a nation; an address, delivered at the invitation of the Erodelphian and Eccritean societies of Miami university, the evening preceding the annual commencement, July 2d, 1856.
Aggression and prosocial behavior predict changes in perceptions of friendship quality in primary and middle school students
Address delivered at the funeral of Rev. S.M. Isaacs : forty-fourth Street Synagogue, New York, May 22d, 5638-1878
Effects of academic advisor attire on community college student satisfaction with academic advising
A discourse delivered in the chapel of Harvard College, June 17, 1794 : at the request of the senior class of students, on occasion of their approaching departure from the university, preparatory to their receiving its public honors.
The essential principle of reform : an address delivered before the Alumni Association of Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa., August 9th, 1865
