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Body Condition of Juvenile Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828) in Anthropogenic Refuges on the Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation during the 2006 Dry Season
Characteristics Affecting Prey Vulnerability and Avian Habitat Selection in the Florida Everglades
ecocritical and metaphorical analysis of "Cereus Blooms at Night"
effect of hydroperiod on the growth of the crayfish species Procambarus alleni and Procambarus fallax: Two keystone species in the Florida Everglades
effect of canopy shading on relative primary productivity of periphyton in Water Conservation Area 2-A, Everglades
regeneration of nature: An alternative to ecological restoration
The Role of Chemoreception and Host-Use on the Behavioral Ecology of the Pea Crab Tunicotheres moseri (Rathbun, 1918) in Tampa Bay, Florida
Cultivated food plants: culture and gendered spaces of colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador
Resource stewardship: rain forest use among three ethnic groups of Ecuador
Amount and economic valuation of feral hog damage to a unique basin marsh wetland in Florida
Development, evaluation, and application of spatio-temporal wading bird foraging models to guide everglades restoration
Perceived risk versus actual risk to sea-level rise: a case study in Broward County, Florida
proposed expanded green space plan using GIS for natural areas in Palm Beach County
Landscaping Practices, Environmental Ethics, and Sustainability in South Florida
Ecoqueer: Moving Beyond Ecocomposition's Heteronormative Binaries
Nature's Place in Zora Neale Hurston's "John Redding Goes to Sea," "Magnolia Flower," and "Sweat"
Vegetation time series analysis of the Loxahatchee Slough, Palm Beach County, Florida: A GIS incorporating satellite imagery with black and white aerial photography
Historical analysis of development and its impact on the ecology of the Grassy Waters Preserve
A Conservation Genetic Study of Cercopithecus mitis in the Lomami Basin, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Earth, water, and black bodies
