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Long term monitoring of a deep-water coral reef: effects of bottom trawling
Salt marsh mitigation: An example of the process of balancing mosquito control, natural resource, and development interest
Bacterial management strategies for stock enhancement of warmwater marine fish: a case study with common snook (Centropomus undecimalis)
Distribution and dynamics of an intertidal ascidian pseudopopulation
A method for the culture of tropical seagrasses
Rapid arm movements in stalked crinoids
A comparative analysis of environmental history programs
The role of predationby decapod crustaceans in seagrass ecosystems
Invasion-mediated recovery following managed disturbance in the northern Everglades
Observations on the ecology and distribution of certain tropical peripheral fishes in Florida
Correlation between photosensitivity and downwelling irradiance in mesopelagic crustaceans
Subtropical-tropical seagrass communities of the Southeastern United States: fishes and fishcommunities
Trophic ecology of planktonic gelatinous predators in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia: diets and prey selection
The influence of predatory decapods, refuge, and microhabitat selection on seagrass communities
Ultrastructure and development of dimorphic sperm in the abyssal echinoid Phrissocystis multispina (Echinodermata: Echinoidea): Implications for deep sea reproductive biology
The importance of predation by crabs and fishes on benthic infauna in Chesapeake Bay
Tidal and long-term volume transport through Jewfish Creek, Florida Keys
Nekton: biomass and abundance
Local energy exchanges in a shallow, coastal lagoon: Winter conditions
The significance of chlorophyll size fractionation in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
