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Isolation, Analysis and Origin of Bioactive Diterpenes in Pseudopterogorgia acerosa.
Mapping and analyzing the Florida Reef Tract in Palm Beach County in relation to major storm events in a GIS database
Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages from Pulau Karangmadjat, Mentawai Islands, Indonesia
Elevated pCO2 effects on the macroalgal genus Halimeda: Potential roles of photophysiology and morphology
Interpretation of seafloor topologies based on IKONOS satellite imagery of a shallow-marine carbonate platform
NOAA CIOERT Report: Survey of the Pulley Ridge Mesophotic Reef Ecosystem. NOAA Ship Nancy Foster Florida Shelf-Edge Exploration II (FLoSEE) Cruise Leg 1-September 12-19, 2011
Population Structure and Gene Expression of the Coral Montastraea cavernosa in the Northern Florida Reef Tract
Distribution and Diversity of Benthic Foraminifera Within the Nearshore Ridge Complex off Pompano Beach, Broward County, Florida.
