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Florida’s Deep-water Oculina Reefs: A National Treasure in Peril
Phosphorus limitation in reef macroalgae of South Florida
Blade abandonment/proliferation: a novel mechanism for rapid epiphyte control in marine macrophytes
Integrated water quality and coral reef monitoring on fringing reefs of Tobago: chemical and ecological evidence of sewage-driven eutrophication in the Buccoo Reef Complex
Declining coral health and fish diversity in the South Pacific
Genetic Connectivity and Phenotypic Plasticity of Shallow and Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico
Spatial and trophic ecology of the sawtooth eel, Serrivomer beanii, a biomass-dominant bathypelagic fish over the northern Mid-Atlantic ridge
Snapping shrimp protect host anemones from predators
Taxonomy and ecology of the deep-pelagic fish family Melamphaidae, with emphasis on interactions with a mid-ocean ridge system
Epizoic red alga allelopathic to a Caribbean coral.
Simultaneous top-down and bottom-up forces control macroalgal blooms on coral reefs (Reply to the comment by Hughes et al.)
Sewage pollution in Negril, Jamaica: effects on nutrition and ecology of coral reef macroalgae
Long term monitoring of a deep-water coral reef: effects of bottom trawling
Transport processes linking shelf and back reef ecosystems in the Exuma Cays, Bahamas
Ocean Acidification Effects on Photosynthesis in Tropical Marine Macroalgae
chemistry of Briareum asbestinum
impacts of harmful algal blooms on a Florida reef fish community
Isolation of briareolate esters from Briareum asbestinum
Response of tropical marine macroalgae to thermal stress
comparison of the thermal bleaching response of the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum from three geographically different regions in south Florida
