Current Search:  Computer networks -- Security measures (x)

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Reputation and trust-based security in wireless sensor networks
uncertainty-aware reputation system in mobile networks
method for adding multimedia knowledge for improving intrusion detection systems
Password-authenticated two-party key exchange with long-term security
Implementation of the IEEE 1609.2 WAVE Security Services Standard
Controlling access to physical locations
A Biometrics Based Secure Communication Scheme for Bluetooth Environment
Universal physical access control system (UPACS)
Elliptic curves: identity-based signing and quantum arithmetic
Software decomposition for multicore architectures
A Study on Partially Homomorphic Encryption Schemes
Adaptive power control in 802.11 networks
VoIP Network Security and Forensic Models using Patterns
Adaptive hierarchical weighted fair queuing scheduling in WiMAX networks
Patterns for secure interactions in social networks in Web 2.0
Statistical broadcast protocol design for VANET
Energy Efficient Cluster-Based Target Tracking Strategy
