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(61 - 80 of 167)


Masses & mainstream
CPLA program, policies
Liberty under communism
Attempt by communists to seize the American labor movement
Election platform Communist Party: New York municipal elections, 1933
Le peuple de France aus côtés des mineurs ...
Marxism and nationality
Die sozialistische Oktoberrevolution
Toward revolutionary mass work
What about Communism? : a report to the American people
We want to live
The truth about Soviet Russia
The truth about Barcelona
The state
Socialism marches on in the Soviet union
Will the Bolsheviks retain state power?
Working class unity-bulwark against fascism
W.I. Lenin : Rede zum 10. Todestag Lenins am 21. Januar 1934 im grossen Staatstheater der UdSSR in Moskau
The proletarian revolution and renegade Kautsky
The April conference
