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2D:4D Digit Ratio and Muscularity
Characterization of Leachate Clogging Solids
Removing Methanol Additives from Fracking Fluids
The Impact of Obesity on Plasma Calprotectin in Response to Acute Aerobic Exercise
The Significance of Adult Day Care
Self-Care for Nurse Leaders in Acute Care Environment Reduces Perceived Stress: A Pilot Study
Formation of Water Rings Around a Rotating Centroid in Oil
The Effects of Cultural Differences on the Therapeutic Alliance
Levels of Tension in Relation to Video Use in Therapy Lessons
FAU 2016 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Championship Winner – Mickelene Hoggard
Graduate Student Research Day 2011
Inaugural Graduate Student Research Day
Fourth Annual GSA Graduate Student Research Day
Third Annual GSA Graduate Student Research Day
Is Social Media Influencing Hispanics Voting Behavior?
Everglades Florida Apple Snail Density
Photo Documentary: Equine Assisted Therapies of South Florida
Linnaeus’ and Buffon’s Ornithological Methodological During the Age of Enlightenment
Applications of Rain Catchers For Reduced Usage of Clean Water in Household Plumbing
Traffic Sign Effectiveness
