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Influences of decadal and multi-decadal oscillations on regional precipitation extremes and characteristics
Influences of Climate variability on Rainfall Extremes of Different Durations
Influences of climate variability and change on precipitation characteristics and extremes
Preparing Florida hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, culture for climate change
Assessment of Links between Sea Level Variations and Climate Variability and Change
Assessment of clilmate change impacts on streamflow trends using a water balance model
Effects of a severe winter on invasive green iguanas (Iguana iguana)
Integrated modeling approach for enery alternatives and green house gas mitigation in the state of Florida
Science Comprehension vs. Cultural Cognition as Predictors of Climate Change Risk Perception
Using a Groundwater Influenced Sea Level Rise Model to Assess the Costs Due to Sea-Level Rise on a Coastal Community’s Stormwater Infrastructure Using Limited Groundwater Data
Distribution and abundance of micronekton and macrozooplankton in the NW Weddell Sea: relation to a spring ice-edge bloom
Climate change and the molecular ecology of arctic marine mammals
Tradable permits as a policy mechanism for greenhouse gas abatement
Toward climate neutrality
Assessment of Changes in Precipitation Data Characteristics due to Infilling by Spatially Interpolated Estimates
Beach dynamics, beachfront development, and climate change: Interactions that impact sea turtle nesting beaches
Letter from the inside: a conventional farmer’s daughter on the need for a new agriculture
Remote sensing of evapotranspiration using automated calibration: development and testing in the state of Florida
Seagrass (Thalassia testudinum) Nutrient Recycling in Florida Bay, a Carbonate-Dominated Shallow Estuary
