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Children's temperament: Does it predict how children cope during conflicts with parents?
Play, problem-solving and tool use: Individual differences in preschool children
Three new measures of gender identity: Implications for children's psychosocial development
Parent-child relationships across early adolescence: Changes and adjustment
The Lived Experience of Breastfeeding for Women With Perinatal Depression
Emotional and physiological regulation during parent-child interaction in preschoolers
serious fun factory
Attachment in preadolescence
relationship between parental lifestyles, attachment style and the mediating effect of family environment on the characteristics of their adult chldren in substance abuse treatment
Psychophysiological measures of aggression and victimization in early adolescence
Attachment and adjustment in preadolescence
Concurrent and prospective associations between parent-adolescent conflict and adolescent adjustment: Person-oriented and variable-oriented analyses
Does perceived parenting affect children's attachment style in middle childhood?
Infant Jealousy Responses: Temperament and EEG
impact of stress on elementary school principals and their effective coping mechanisms
The behavioral, emotional, and attentional effects of human baby schema
Behavioral Expressions of Jealousy Across the First Two Years of Life: Associations with EEG Asymmetry, Cortisol Reactivity and Attachment Security
hurricane notebooks
High summer
Mother-child interaction and victimization by peers during middle childhood
