Current Search:  Caring (x)

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Exploring the Moderating Effect of a Caring Work Environment on the Relationship Between Workplace Mistreatment and Nurses’ Ability to Provide Patient Care
Development and testing of an instrument to measure holistic attributes of nurse practitioner care
Does physical fitness mediate the physiological and perceptual responses to 10-minutes of chest compression-only CPR?
Perceived discrimination of Muslims in health care in the United States
impact of satisfaction with care and empowerment on glycemic control among older African American adults with diabetes
relationship of self transcendance, social interest, and spirituality to well-being in HIV-AIDS adults
relationship between leadership styles of directors of accredited higher education respiratory care programs and faculty satisfaction, willingness to exert extra effort, perceived director effectiveness, and program outcomes
The Experience of Caring for Women with Drug or Alcohol Problems in the General Hospital
web-based automated classification system for nursing language based on nursing theory
Therapeutic Options for the Treatment of Breast Cancer: Using Cytoreg and Genistein Isoflavone
influence of feminism on nursing and its relation to nursing education: 1970-1994
Individual Profiling Of Perceived Tinnitus by Developing Tinnitus Analyzer Software
Discourse delivered on the first anniversary of the Girard College for Orphans, : at the request of the Board of Directors by Job R. Tyson.
An empirical analysis of factors influencing organizational cultural competence within emergency medical services systems
A Systematic Review and Quantitative Meta-Analysis of the Accuracy of Visual Inspection for Cervical Cancer Screening: Does Provider Type or Training Matter?
Differences in Nurses’ Perceptions of Safety Culture, Nurse-Physician Collaboration, and Level of Job Satisfaction Related to the Type of Obstetrical Physician Service Delivery Model Utilized
Evaluation of speak for myself™ with patients who are voiceless
Family resiliency, sense of coherence, social support and psychosocial interventions: reducing caregiver burden and determining the quality of life in persons with alzheimer’s disease
Predictive modeling for wellness
