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Speech of Governor Seymour at Philadelphia.
"For the great empire of liberty, forward!" : Speech of Maj.-Gen. Carl Schurz, of Wisconsin, delivered at Concert Hall, Philadelphia, on Friday evening, September 16, 1864.
"Nothing's been done" : speech of Hon. Henry C. Deming, of Connecticut, at the Cooper Institute, New York, September 27th, 1864.
Address to the Democracy of the Union
Against the degradation of the states : an oration delivered before the Peace Democracy at Canton, Stark County, Ohio, July 4, 1863
The South--its resources and wants : embracing his address to the citizens of New Orleans
Great speech of the Honourable James Buchanan, delivered at the mass meeting of the Democracy of western Pennsylvania, at Greensburg, on Thursday, Oct. 7, 1852.
Address of the State Central Committee.
An address to the people of Maryland, by the National Republican Central Committee of Baltimore, : shewing the necessity of a vigorous and united action, to preserve the constitution and laws, rights and liberties of the people of the United States.
The appeal to Pennsylvania.
Speech of Honorable Daniel Webster, at Abington, October 9, 1848
General Garfield as a statesman and orator : paragraphs from his speeches in Congress and on the stump
Official proceedings of the National Democratic Convention : held in Cincinnati, June 2-6, 1856 ; published by order of the convention.
Eulogy upon the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, delivered at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, July 3, 1861
Resources of the country : How peace can be obtained : remarks of Hon. Reuben E. Fenton, at Jamestown, N.Y., Tuesday evening, September 8, 1864
Speeches of Hon. Edgar Cowan of Pennsylvania, Hon. Jas. R. Doolittle, of Wisconsin, Hon. Hugh McCulloch, Secretary of Treasury, letter of Hon. O.H. Browning, of Illinois, and an address by a member of the club : also the condition of the South, a report o
Ovation at the Academy of Music.
