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Speech of Edward C. Delavan, Esq., at a meeting of the friends of Mr. Fillmore, at Ballston, Aug. 9, 1856.
Senator Sherman's defense, as delivered by himself, at Springfield, Ohio, October 4th, 1865,
Union League Club of New York. : Address of the president, June 23, 1866
An address, to the freemen of Rhode-Island. By a landholder.
Gen. Harrison's speech at the Dayton Convention, September 10, 1840 : Published by the Whig Republican Association, Boston.
Speech of John H. George, esq. : of Concord, at the mass convention of the democracy of New Hampshire, in honor of the nomination of Gen. Franklin Pierce, held at Concord, N.H., June 10, 1852.
Oration, by William H. Seward, at Plymouth : December 21, 1855.
Remarks of Hon. Miles Taylor, of Louisiana, accompanied by a letter to the editors of the Washington Union.
An address to the democracy of the United States, on the duty of the Democratic Party, at this crisis.
Speech of President Buchanan, on the evening of Monday, July 9, 1860.
The Republican platform : revised speech of Hon. E.G. Spaulding, of New York
The Republican Party-- its history and policy : speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, at the Cooper Institute, in the city of New York, April 13, 1860.
The ovation to Mr. Fillmore : speeches of Mr. Fillmore.
Speech delivered by Hon. Josiah Quincy, Senior : before the Whig State Convention, assembled at the Music Hall, Boston, Aug. 16, 1854.
The Chicago Copperhead Convention : the treasonable and revolutionary utterances of the men who composed it. Extracts from all the notable speeches delivered in and out of the National "Democratic" Convention
Speech of Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, at the Democratic mass convention, in Lancaster city, September 17, 1863
The true conditions of American loyalty : a speech delivered by George Ticknor Curtis, before the Democratic Union Association, March 28th, 1863.
Address of the Printers' Grant and Colfax Club of the District of Columbia.
Remarks of the Hon. Peleg Sprague at Faneuil Hall : before the citizens of Boston and its vicinity, upon the character and services of Gen. William Henry Harrison, of Ohio, the Whig candidate for the presidency of the United States
Proceedings of the great peace convention, held in the city of New York June 3d, 1863 : speeches, addresses, resolutions, and letters from leading men.
