Current Search: Academic achievment (x)
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- Title
- The effects of a culturally translated school counselor-led intervention on Hispanic students' academic achievement.
- Creator
- Leon, Ana Maria., College of Education, Department of Counselor Education
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of implementing a school counselor-led intervention, a culturally translated version of the Student Success Skills (SSS) program, on student academic achievement in Hispanic students. The research question investigated in this study was: Does Hispanic student participation in the culturally translated Student Success Skills classroom guidance program increase academic achievement as measured by state mandated standardized reading and math...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of implementing a school counselor-led intervention, a culturally translated version of the Student Success Skills (SSS) program, on student academic achievement in Hispanic students. The research question investigated in this study was: Does Hispanic student participation in the culturally translated Student Success Skills classroom guidance program increase academic achievement as measured by state mandated standardized reading and math tests? Based on the fact that Hispanic students are at a very high risk of academic failure, there is an urgent need to address the lack of academic success. The cultural translation of the Student Success Skills (SSS) program focuses on student outcomes and helps to provide a link between school counselors and improved outcomes for Hispanic students.The sample for this study included 103 treatment and 98 comparison fourth and fifth grade students from three schools in South Florida. Participating students were selected from all Hispanic students at four schools in South Florida, by selecting the students who spoke mainly Spanish at home and came from Hispanic backgrounds. Academic achievement was measured using a standardized, objective, state-wide assessment instrument, the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). The procedure used to analyze the results for this study was a Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). The statistical analysis showed that the treatment group scored significantly higher than the comparison group in reading. There was not a significant difference in math for the treatment group. When fidelity of treatment was investigated a post hoc analysis found that groups with full implementation of the program scored significantly higher in math and in reading than the comparison group., The results of this study show that a cultural translation of the Student Success Skills program is helpful for the fourth and fifth grade Hispanic students improving achievement in reading.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2009
- Subject Headings
- Educational leadership, Acculturation, Minorities, Education (Elementary), Hispanic American children, Education, Academic achievement, Educational equalization
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Reading, writing, and privatization: the narrative that helped change the nation's public schools.
- Creator
- Meyers, Merrie Elyn., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Sociology
- Abstract/Description
The face of North America's public education system is changing. Across the United States, hundreds of thousands of students have migrated away from traditional public school into charter schools. While both are considered public schools, often that is where the similarity ends. Claims and counter claims have been made about the virtues and advantages of a charter school versus the traditional public school. This study, focused on the nation's sixth-largest school system in Broward County,...
Show moreThe face of North America's public education system is changing. Across the United States, hundreds of thousands of students have migrated away from traditional public school into charter schools. While both are considered public schools, often that is where the similarity ends. Claims and counter claims have been made about the virtues and advantages of a charter school versus the traditional public school. This study, focused on the nation's sixth-largest school system in Broward County, Florida, compares comments from stakeholders involved in charter programs to feedback from those still involved in the traditional public system. Three hypotheses are evaluated including: whether traditional schools are not adequately serving the needs of students; whether charter schools are better at serving student needs; or people believe that charter schools are doing a better job at serving the needs of students. Evidence suggests that while each model of education has its advantages and disadvantages, neither clearly provides a ""better" opportunity for students. Conclusions are that consumer perceptions are driving the shift in enrollment. This is attributed to the narrative about "choice" created by charter school advocates that aligns with American ideologies of liberty, freedom and independence. Ultimately, it is argued that the deconstruction of the traditional public education system is part of a larger effort to shift selected rights and privileges out of the public sphere and back into private control. For traditional public schools to regain momentum, they must learn to control the narrative and ultimately public policy and public opinion about our nation's public schools.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2013
- Subject Headings
- Charter schools, Evaluation, Public schools, Evaluation, School choice, Evaluation, Academic achievement, Evaluation
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Examination of the Relationship Between Acculturation and Fifth Grade Hispanic Student Reading Achievement.
- Creator
- Pressman, Diane S., Rhone, Angela, Florida Atlantic University
- Abstract/Description
In the United States there is an increasing population ofHispanic people. With this increase comes an increase of Hispanic students in the schools. In 2004, 39.8% of all dropouts in the United States were Hispanic students. Increasing population and a high dropout rate could be problematic for Hispanic people, American schools, and ultimately society. The first part of the research examined relationships between acculturation and Hispanic student reading achievement. A Spearman's Rho...
Show moreIn the United States there is an increasing population ofHispanic people. With this increase comes an increase of Hispanic students in the schools. In 2004, 39.8% of all dropouts in the United States were Hispanic students. Increasing population and a high dropout rate could be problematic for Hispanic people, American schools, and ultimately society. The first part of the research examined relationships between acculturation and Hispanic student reading achievement. A Spearman's Rho correlation was performed using the Short Acculturation Scale for Hispanic Youth scores and Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test reading scores. In the second part, the research used a multiple regression model to predict acculturation and reading success in fifth grade Hispanic students. The dependent variable was the acculturation score obtained through the Short Acculturation Scale for Hispanic Youth. The independent variables used for this were gender, age, free and reduced lunch status, country of origin, ESOL classification level, and previous retentions. Results from the study revealed that there is a significant correlation between acculturation and Hispanic student reading achievement in the fifth grade. The multiple regression model using the above independent variables identified three significant variables, ESOL classification, lunch status, and gender, to predict acculturation greater than chance.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Subject Headings
- Children of immigrants--Education--United States, Acculturation--United States, Hispanic American children--Education--United States, Academic achievement--United States
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Block scheduling: Its impact on academic achievement, and the perceptions of students, teachers, and administrators.
- Creator
- Hamdy, Mona., Florida Atlantic University, Urich, Ted R.
- Abstract/Description
This study consists of three parts. The first part determined if significant differences exist in the scores of students on four standardized tests between two block and two traditional scheduling schools. The assessment instruments were standardized tests given to students in Palm Beach County School District in the state of Florida: (a) Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) for grade 9, (b) Grade Ten Assessment Test (GTAT), (c) Florida Writes (FW) for grade 10, and (d) High School...
Show moreThis study consists of three parts. The first part determined if significant differences exist in the scores of students on four standardized tests between two block and two traditional scheduling schools. The assessment instruments were standardized tests given to students in Palm Beach County School District in the state of Florida: (a) Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) for grade 9, (b) Grade Ten Assessment Test (GTAT), (c) Florida Writes (FW) for grade 10, and (d) High School Competency Test (HSCT) for grade 11. Approximately 2,000 students took each of the four tests for each grade, a total of 8,000 participants. Significant differences (p <.00125) were found between students scores on the FW and the HSCT. The traditional scheduling students outperformed those at the block scheduling schools in regards to the FW and the HSCT. Results of statistical analysis indicated a significant difference between the 4 x 4 schedule and the alternate day schedule only in terms of achievement on the Florida Writes. Students at the alternate day school outperformed those at the 4 x 4 scheduling school on the Florida Writes test. Schools' records indicated that the rate of suspension has decreased during the year of implementing block scheduling for the alternate day scheduling school, and increased for the 4 x 4 scheduling school. There was no change in the absentee rate at both types of block scheduling schools. The second part of this study was to compare differences in perceptions among teachers and students towards the two types of block scheduling. A Likert-type survey was answered by 101 teachers from both types of schools. Statistical analysis indicated a significant difference between the perceptions of teachers from the 4 x 4 and the alternate day scheduling schools in terms of class size. Teachers disagreed that class size has decreased because of the implementation of block scheduling. Regarding students' perceptions, 931 students from both schools participated in answering the questionnaire. There were significant differences among students on their preference to remain on block scheduling. The third part of this study examined differences between the perceptions of administrators of different types of block scheduling. A Likert-type survey consisting of 26 items was sent to selected principals throughout the nation. Twenty two out of the 24 items did not prove to be significant at the 0.0021 level. There were differences in administrators perceptions towards the failure rate. Similar results were found in regards to discipline problems. The Scheffe post hoc test was administered to determine which pairwise group differences were significant. Survey results indicated that administrators perceived that the science department is the happiest department with block scheduling, and that mathematics and foreign language are the least happy.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1996
- Subject Headings
- Schedules, School--Florida--Palm Beach County, High schools--Florida--Palm Beach County, School year--Florida--Palm Beach County, School management and organization, Academic achievement
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Florida Student Progression Policies and Their Effect on Student Achievement.
- Creator
- Wright, Marielena P., Pisapia, John, Florida Atlantic University
- Abstract/Description
This study investigated the varied district student progression policies from 9th to lOth grade and their effect on the district-level achievement of the high schools as measured by six categories of FCA T achievement consistent with those that comprise district grades during the 2005-2006 academic year. In Florida, the state assessment policy and the resulting rewards and sanctions policy, known as the Florida A+ Plan, are uniformly defined across districts while the state student...
Show moreThis study investigated the varied district student progression policies from 9th to lOth grade and their effect on the district-level achievement of the high schools as measured by six categories of FCA T achievement consistent with those that comprise district grades during the 2005-2006 academic year. In Florida, the state assessment policy and the resulting rewards and sanctions policy, known as the Florida A+ Plan, are uniformly defined across districts while the state student progression policy simply provides guidelines for districts to follow. This results in varied student progression policies in the 67 school districts within the state. A quantitative study of the district student progression policies for promotion from 9th to lOth grade and student achievement, as measured by the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCA T), was conducted to determine the effect of varied student progression policies on district FCA T achievement. Five predictor variables, based upon promotion requirements from the 9th to 1Oth grade, - number of credits, the type of credits, the availability of midyear promotion, additional requirements to be met for midyear promotion, and minimum grade point average - the six FCA T based criterion variables; and, two contextual variables - district socioeconomic status (SES) and district size were used in the study. Linear regression analysis was used to find that the inclusion of a minimum grade point average had a significant inverse relationship with FCA T Reading Learning Gains. Additionally, theSES of the district was found to significantly affect the relationship between the midyear promotion of students and FCAT Reading proficiency; the type of credits required for promotion and FCA T Math proficiency; and the minimum number of credits required for promotion and both FCA T Math learning gains and FCA T Reading learning gains of the lowest quartile of students. The second order interaction of district size on the effect of SES on the relationship between the predictor and criterion variables yielded significant moderating effects of district size on the moderating effect of SES for the relationships between the minimum number of credits required for promotion and both FCA T Math proficiency and FCA T Math learning gains.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Subject Headings
- Academic achievement--Florida--Evaluation, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test--Evaluation, Educational tests and measurements--Florida--Evaluation, Grading and marking (Students), Educational sociology--Florida
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- How Do Children's Attitudes Toward Reading Relate To Reading Practice And Reading Achievement?.
- Creator
- Galipault, Lorraine D., Towell, Janet, Florida Atlantic University
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether children's attitudes toward reading and their perceptions of themselves as readers impacted their academic achievement. Additionally, the study investigated the effect oftime spent reading and reading practice on student achievement. Finally, the research examined whether reading attitudes and reading practice were moderated by gender or ethnicity. Participants included 63 third-grade students in a Title I Elementary School. Students were...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether children's attitudes toward reading and their perceptions of themselves as readers impacted their academic achievement. Additionally, the study investigated the effect oftime spent reading and reading practice on student achievement. Finally, the research examined whether reading attitudes and reading practice were moderated by gender or ethnicity. Participants included 63 third-grade students in a Title I Elementary School. Students were administered a questionnaire to collect evidence of their reading preferences and their reading practices. In addition, students kept reading logs as a measure of what they read and how often they read. The data collected were correlated to students' reading achievement scale scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). The study concluded that in the overall study sample, there was a negative correlation for the reading practice item, talking about reading, and FCA T Scale Scores and a positive correlation between the reading attitude item, how well do you think you read, and FCA T Scale Scores. In the examination of the moderation effect for gender, there was a positive correlation for the reading attitude item reading is important and FCA T Scale Scores for males. The examination of the moderation effect for ethnicity indicated a negative correlation between talking about reading and FCAT Scale Scores for White students.
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- 2008
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Why College Undergraduates Intend to Pursue the Information Technology Major: A Multi-theoretical Perspective.
- Creator
- Heinze, Nathan D., Hu, Qing, Florida Atlantic University
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this study is to explore environmental and personal factors that may influence college undergraduates' decisions to pursue a major in information technology. These factors include self-efficacy, outcome expectations, personality traits, interest in computers, attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and perceived IT job availability. The paper develops and tests a theoretical model based on social cognitive theory and the theory of planned behavior, and also...
Show moreThe purpose of this study is to explore environmental and personal factors that may influence college undergraduates' decisions to pursue a major in information technology. These factors include self-efficacy, outcome expectations, personality traits, interest in computers, attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and perceived IT job availability. The paper develops and tests a theoretical model based on social cognitive theory and the theory of planned behavior, and also incorporates the five factor model of personality. The intent of this study is to extend the social cognitive theory and theory of planned behavior literatures by expanding their application to IT career choice issues and by including personality traits as additional factors. The latter addition also indicates a unique application of the five factor personality model, as it is rarely used in concert with self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and broad environmental factors such as job market demands. A multi-section survey was administered to college undergraduates at four large universities in the southeastern United States. Analysis of the data results showed that college undergraduates with positive attitudes towards the IT major and high perceived behavioral control regarding the IT major had a greater intention of pursuing IT. The study also found positive links between 1) computer self-efficacy and self-evaluating outcome expectations regarding an IT career, 2) computer self-efficacy and perceived behavioral control, and 3) self-evaluating outcome expectations and attitudes towards the IT major. In addition, personality traits moderated a number of model relationships. Finally, it was found that males were significantly more likely to choose IT than females and scored higher on computer self-efficacy, self-evaluating outcome expectations, attitudes towards the IT major, interest in computers, and perceived behavioral control. The results and contributions of the study are discussed and recommendations are made for future research.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Subject Headings
- Education, Higher--United States, Information technology--Study and teaching--United States, Educational psychology--United States, Academic achievement--Psychological aspects
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Indicators linked to the success of students with psychological disabilities in urban community college allied health sciences programs.
- Creator
- Casey, Deborah A., Florida Atlantic University, Floyd, Deborah L.
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this study was to identify what climate indicators (attitudinal, support provision, student interaction) found in allied health sciences classroom and clinical settings at a northwest community college contribute to the success of students with psychological disabilities. Three climate assessments and a series of interviews revealed crucial information regarding academic support necessary to assist students with psychological disabilities within the allied health sciences....
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to identify what climate indicators (attitudinal, support provision, student interaction) found in allied health sciences classroom and clinical settings at a northwest community college contribute to the success of students with psychological disabilities. Three climate assessments and a series of interviews revealed crucial information regarding academic support necessary to assist students with psychological disabilities within the allied health sciences. Utilizing mixed methodologies, the researcher collected and analyzed data during the Fall 2005 academic quarter from 177 climate assessments and facilitated 33 interviews, five student focus groups, and five follow-up interviews with students with psychological disabilities. The study revealed allied health sciences faculty and staff who implement universal design principles, take time to meet with students, build trusting relationships, and work as allies may dramatically influence a student's perception of their academic potential therefore, influencing academic success. The research also indicated allied health sciences programs require additional professional development opportunities for faculty and staff to enhance the climate for students with psychological disabilities. Positive attitudinal indicators, increased support provisions, and frequent student interactions between faculty, staff, and students were found to be key indicators for student academic success. Recommendations are provided for faculty and staff to support the success of students with psychological disabilities.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Subject Headings
- Academic achievement--Psychological aspects, Resilience (Personality trait), Prediction of scholastic success, Curriculum-based assessment, Community colleges--Curricula--Evaluation
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Teachers as Strategic Classroom Leaders: The Relationship of Their Cognitive and Behavioral Agility to Student Outcomes and Performance Evaluations.
- Creator
- Warkentien, Michael, Pisapia, John, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this non-experimental study was to determine whether teacher cognitive and behavioral agility relates to student achievement as measured by their value-added model (VAM) score and their performance evaluation measured through the Marzano instructional practice (IP) framework, and whether that relationship is moderated by contextual variables. Cognitive agility, measured through the Strategic Thinking Questionnaire for Teachers (STQ T TM), refers to the leader’s ability to use...
Show moreThe purpose of this non-experimental study was to determine whether teacher cognitive and behavioral agility relates to student achievement as measured by their value-added model (VAM) score and their performance evaluation measured through the Marzano instructional practice (IP) framework, and whether that relationship is moderated by contextual variables. Cognitive agility, measured through the Strategic Thinking Questionnaire for Teachers (STQ T TM), refers to the leader’s ability to use their repertoire of thinking skills. Behavioral agility, measured with the Strategic Leadership Questionnaire for Teachers (SLQ T TM), relates to the leader’s ability to use a wide array of leader influencing actions. Teacher VAM score is the percent of the teacher’s students that met or exceeded a statistically predicted score on the end of year assessment. Teacher IP scores were also collected and were based on classroom walkthroughs, and other factors, conducted by their respective school-based administrator(s). The study included 75 teacher participants at the middle and high school levels and used correlational, linear regression, moderator, and mediation statistical analyses. The research findings indicate that cognitive agility continues to be a significant predictor of behavioral agility and that both cognitive and behavioral agility were significantly related to VAM or IP in teachers over the age of 50. Additionally, VAM scores significantly increased through the use of reframing and IP scores increased when utilizing bridging leader actions. However, it was also found that VAM scores were negatively correlated to the managing leader actions in the total population.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2016
- Subject Headings
- Teachers, Rating of., Teacher-student relationships., Teacher effectiveness., Master teachers., Effective teaching., Performance standards., Classroom management., Academic achievement--Evaluation.
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Comparison of academic success variables of black male high school graduates with other racial and gender populations in the Broward County School District, Florida.
- Creator
- Gillespie, Melvin D., Florida Atlantic University, Kerensky, Vasil M.
- Abstract/Description
Black males in the United States and Florida are falling behind other groups in almost every measurement of academic success. Inadequate preparation in high school often discourages them from seeking postsecondary education, and reduces their chances of obtaining gainful employment. This study compared the variables which can predict academic success (number of college preparation courses, high school GPA, class rank, and standardized test scores) of black males with that of other racial...
Show moreBlack males in the United States and Florida are falling behind other groups in almost every measurement of academic success. Inadequate preparation in high school often discourages them from seeking postsecondary education, and reduces their chances of obtaining gainful employment. This study compared the variables which can predict academic success (number of college preparation courses, high school GPA, class rank, and standardized test scores) of black males with that of other racial populations and gender. The sample was limited to seniors who graduated in 1994 from the Broward County public schools and attempted the Florida college entry-level placement test. The study used a causal comparative research design. The null hypothesis was tested using a MANOVA to simultaneously study the multiple dependent variables (factors used to predict college success) by race and gender. If there were differences, an ANOVA was used to test for statistical difference in each dependent variable individually. Results indicate that there are significant differences in the potential for success when race and gender were considered. The Wilks's Lambda for gender had a value of.85 (p <.001), and a value of.82 (p <.001) for race. Verbal and math mean scores on the SAT revealed that black female students earned the lowest scores, followed by black male students. The findings further showed that black males had the lowest grade point average and attempted fewer college preparatory courses when compared to other racial groups and gender. Black males had the second lowest class rank at the time of graduation (Hispanic males had the lowest class rank).
Show less - Date Issued
- 1998
- Subject Headings
- African American high school students--Florida--Broward County--Case studies, Academic achievement--Florida--Broward County--Case studies
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- A study of transformational leadership and student achievement in inner-city elementary schools.
- Creator
- Bonaros, Demetrios James, Florida Atlantic University, Maslin-Ostrowski, Patricia
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this study was to establish an empirical link between transformational leadership and student achievement measured by the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test. In addition, the relationship between transformational leadership and increased levels of teacher satisfaction, willingness to give extra effort, perceptions of principal effectiveness were examined. This study took place in 21 elementary inner-city schools of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools district. Two hundred...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to establish an empirical link between transformational leadership and student achievement measured by the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test. In addition, the relationship between transformational leadership and increased levels of teacher satisfaction, willingness to give extra effort, perceptions of principal effectiveness were examined. This study took place in 21 elementary inner-city schools of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools district. Two hundred ten personalized packets were delivered to the teachers of the selected schools. Two hundred and three answer sheets were returned to the researcher for a return rate of 97 percent. Data were collected from randomly selected teachers by voluntary completion of Bass and Avolio's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Form-5X (Short Form). The data were analyzed using Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis. Transformational leadership was found to be linked to increased learning. In addition, transformational leadership was also related to increased teacher satisfaction, greater perception of principal effectiveness, and increased teacher willingness to give extra effort. Moreover, two ancillary questions were explored. These questions related to gender, and school size. The question on gender could not be analyzed in light of the overwhelming majority of female principals and lack of reliability of gender. School size was not related to transformational leadership. Based on the above findings, the following conclusions can be made with regard to transformational leadership and its impact on elementary education. First, transformational leadership does improve student achievement in inner-city elementary schools. Second, inner-city elementary teachers consider transformational principals superior to non-transformational principals. Third, elementary inner-city teachers demonstrate increased levels of satisfaction, willingness to give extra effort, and a high perception of principal effectiveness for transformational principals. The practical applications of the findings of this study and the implications drawn for further theoretical consideration and research are significant for future school improvement. This study adds to an important line of research. The information available today about transformational leadership and its impact on student achievement may help schools improve the lives of their students and the social and political future of our World.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Subject Headings
- School management and organization--Decision making
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The relationship between native language and performance on the General Education Development Test among first-time test takers in Dade County.
- Creator
- Walker, Lesonie May, Florida Atlantic University, MacKenzie, Donald G.
- Abstract/Description
This study was conducted among 406 first-time test takers who took the English version of the General Education Development (GED) Test in Dade County, Florida between June and December, 1993. Multiple regression and chi square analyses were used to determine the relationship between native language and performance on the General Education Development (GED) Test and the relationship between certain demographic characteristics and success in passing the GED. The findings of the study indicated,...
Show moreThis study was conducted among 406 first-time test takers who took the English version of the General Education Development (GED) Test in Dade County, Florida between June and December, 1993. Multiple regression and chi square analyses were used to determine the relationship between native language and performance on the General Education Development (GED) Test and the relationship between certain demographic characteristics and success in passing the GED. The findings of the study indicated, among other things, that (a) a higher percentage of native English speakers than non-native English speakers passed the GED Test, (b) non-native English speakers were outperformed by native English speakers on all the GED subtests except Mathematics, (c) native French speakers (mainly Haitians) were outperformed by the other non-native English speakers on all the subtests, (d) the mean scores of native French speakers were well below the mean scores required to pass the test, and (e) participants who took the GED preparation course were outperformed by those who did not take the GED preparation course. Native language was determined to be significantly related (p <.05) to performance on the GED. The model most helpful in predicting success on the GED comprised native language, number of years participants had learned to read, write, and speak English and had studied in an English speaking country. None of the individual variables showed a high correlation with performance on the GED Test, suggesting that other factors, not included in the data set, might have also contributed to performance on the test. The recommendations include: (a) pretesting examinees to determine their level of literacy in their native language as well as in English to establish the level of instruction necessary, (b) recruiting and training language minority teachers who are more familiar with the culture and educational systems of the countries in which Dade's rapidly increasing adult non-native English speaking groups were born, (c) strengthening the GED classes so that they can adequately remediate non-native English speakers who are in need of basic skills, and (d) conducting research to determine if certain items on the GED Test are biased against non-native English speakers. The findings in this study add to the growing body of research studies indicating that minorities, including linguistic minorities, do not perform well on standardized tests.
Show less - Date Issued
- 1995
- Subject Headings
- Minorities--Education--United States, Multicultural education--Florida--Miami-Dade County, GED tests, Academic achievement--Florida--Miami-Dade County
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Investigation of the value of teacher leadership capacity-building: Implementation of an intervention framework to raise student achievement.
- Creator
- Nowocien, Darlene J., Florida Atlantic University, Guglielmino, Lucy M., Acker-Hocevar, Michele A.
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this study was to determine if changes could be detected in teachers' approaches to their professional practice and in the achievement of their students following the implementation of a teacher leadership capacity-building intervention framework. Specific aspects examined were (a) teachers' perceptions of changes in their classroom environments, instructional practices, planning, assessment, and confidence in instructing diverse learners; (b) observer ratings of teachers'...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to determine if changes could be detected in teachers' approaches to their professional practice and in the achievement of their students following the implementation of a teacher leadership capacity-building intervention framework. Specific aspects examined were (a) teachers' perceptions of changes in their classroom environments, instructional practices, planning, assessment, and confidence in instructing diverse learners; (b) observer ratings of teachers' classroom practices; (c) teachers' readiness for self-directed learning; and (d) student achievement. The study addressed four research questions and three hypotheses. Following the professional development intervention, teachers' perceived changes in their professional practices were documented on a self-report survey, with the greatest positive change reported in types and variety of instructional practices. Significant gains were found in teachers' observed effective behaviors (Florida Performance Measurement System scores), teachers' Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale scores and student achievement in reading. The outcomes, while they cannot, of course, be solely attributed to the intervention, support the concept that teacher leadership capacity is built from within when teachers are encouraged to take a greater responsibility for the design and implementation of their professional development and to share their strengths with their colleagues in a true learning community. The intervention was implemented in an at-risk school, but it provides a framework that can be replicated elsewhere. This project required a commitment of resources for observations, peer coaching, modeling instructional strategies, team meetings, reflective team planning, team data analysis, and a variety of professional development sessions chosen and designed by staff that took place both within and outside of the regularly scheduled workday. The school district, an outside private foundation, and additional grants provided funding for most expenses, including an on-site professional development facilitator. Further follow-up research is warranted given the brevity of this study and the time needed for systemic change.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Subject Headings
- Academic achievement--Measurement, Educational leadership--United States, Teacher participation in administration--United States, School improvement programs--United States, Educational change--United States
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Socio-Cultural Leadership: An Innovative Model For School Leadership.
- Creator
- Blackburn, Desmond K., Bogotch, Ira, Florida Atlantic University
- Abstract/Description
The conceptual framework of this study suggested that Socio-Cultural Leadership was composed of the following four factors: Instructional Domain, Emotional Domain, Community Domain, and Cultural Domain. Furthermore, it was posed that these factors, collectively and independently, directly impacted student achievement in schools ofhigh poverty. From this framework, the Socio-Cultural Leadership Questionnaire was developed (SCLQ). The research questions that guided this study were: 1. Do the...
Show moreThe conceptual framework of this study suggested that Socio-Cultural Leadership was composed of the following four factors: Instructional Domain, Emotional Domain, Community Domain, and Cultural Domain. Furthermore, it was posed that these factors, collectively and independently, directly impacted student achievement in schools ofhigh poverty. From this framework, the Socio-Cultural Leadership Questionnaire was developed (SCLQ). The research questions that guided this study were: 1. Do the items of the survey instrument divide into the four domains as described? 2. What is the relationship, collectively and independently, between SocioCultural Leadership and student achievement in high-poverty schools? 3. Is the frequency in observed principal behaviors different between lowperforming and high-performing schools? Therefore, the purpose of this study was to, via exploratory factor analysis; verify that these four factors existed as described and to, via regression analysis, find the direct relationship between the resulting factors and student achievement in high poverty schools. High poverty schools were defined as schools where 50 percent ( 40 percent for high schools) or more of the student population participated the federally funded Free and/or Reduced Price Lunch Program. This study also sought to differentiate these findings according to the performance levels of the schools sampled. The pilot study, the descriptive statistics, the principal components analysis, and the measures of internal consistency, all provided the researcher with empirical evidence to establish the reliability and validity of specific SCLQ items along with the significance of the resulting factors. Two of the five SCLQ subscales that resulted from the factor analysis, OP (outreach to parents) and MIPD (management of instructional process detractors), positively correlated with student achievement in the total sample (n = 903). There is a less than 5 percent chance that these findings were due to a Type I sampling error. Finally, principals in high-performing schools exhibited behaviors indicated by subscales OP (outreach to parents) and MIPD (management of instructional process detractors) significantly more than principals in low-performing schools.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2006
- Subject Headings
- Academic achievement--Cross-cultural studies, Minority students--Social conditions, Motivation in education
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) and the Predictive Utility of the PSAT for FCAT Preparedness.
- Creator
- Beard, Bernadine E. Dorantes, Bryan, Valerie, Florida Atlantic University
- Abstract/Description
In the years since the establishment of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment test (FCAT) in 1998, the Florida public school districts have had little standardized, diagnostic data to assist in preparation for the FCA T. The FCAT serves as a high-stakes assessment for students as a graduation requirement, and it serves as a high-stakes assessment for school and district accountability for the Florida A++ Plan, and for national accountability within No Child Left Behind Act, 2001. A...
Show moreIn the years since the establishment of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment test (FCAT) in 1998, the Florida public school districts have had little standardized, diagnostic data to assist in preparation for the FCA T. The FCAT serves as a high-stakes assessment for students as a graduation requirement, and it serves as a high-stakes assessment for school and district accountability for the Florida A++ Plan, and for national accountability within No Child Left Behind Act, 2001. A quantitative study was conducted to determine if the College Board's Preliminary Scholastic Achievement Test, PSAT/NMSQT®, could be used to predict scores on the FCAT. More than 11 ,000 student test records ofBroward County public school lOth graders were used for this study. Predictive discriminant analyses were conducted using the October 2003 PSAT/NMSQT® and the March 2004 FCAT scores. Three contextual variables: gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomics were used to determine if the variables moderate the ability of the PSAT in classifying the students as passing the FCAT. The study found the percent of the groups correctly classified for predicting FCAT Reading from the PSAT Verbal scores for all subjects and each contextual variable ranged from 75 percent to 78.70 percent. The accuracy for the PSAT Verbal predicting failing the FCAT Reading for all of the subjects was at 84.50 percent, and the accuracy for PSAT Verbal predicting passing the FCAT Reading was at 71.40 percent. The study also found the percent of the groups correctly classified for predicting FCAT Math from PSAT Math scores for all subjects and each contextual variable ranged from 72.40 % to 76.00 percent. The accuracy for the PSAT Math predicting failing the FCAT Math for all subjects was at 89.70 percent and the accuracy for PSAT Math predicting passing the FCAT Math for all subjects was at 70.90 percent. The model in this study has proven to be successful in predicting FCAT success through the use of the PSAT scores. Recommendations for educators, both district and school staff, include exploring optimum utilization of available data through the PSAT, and optimum utilization of the PSAT score reports for direct intervention with students.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Subject Headings
- Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Educational tests and measurements--Florida--Evaluation, PSAT (Educational test)--Evaluation, Examinations--Scoring--Statistics
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Implications of Florida's 1998 Constitutional Revision on Education Finance Reform : A Legal Analysis Of Florida' s 1998 Constitution Revision Concerning Its Impact To The Legitimacy Of Florida's Education Financing Plan.
- Creator
- Hodge, Patricia C., Bogotch, Ira, Sughrue, Jennifer, Florida Atlantic University
- Abstract/Description
Children of extreme poverty, who attend schools in impoverished neighborhoods, traditionally fall years behind their counterparts before they reach school age. While there have been numerous studies done on the effects of poverty on student achievement, there are few remedies for closing the gap for students in poverty. Additionally, educators in schools that serve a majority of students of poverty find that they have limited resources but are given more mandates than schools in economically...
Show moreChildren of extreme poverty, who attend schools in impoverished neighborhoods, traditionally fall years behind their counterparts before they reach school age. While there have been numerous studies done on the effects of poverty on student achievement, there are few remedies for closing the gap for students in poverty. Additionally, educators in schools that serve a majority of students of poverty find that they have limited resources but are given more mandates than schools in economically richer areas. With the increasing mandates of the No Child Left Behind Act, educators are struggling to incorporate the new demands into budget that are stretched beyond capacity. Are there strategies that advocates for better education can use to mobilize legislators to make greater provisions for education? The members of the Florida Constitution Revision Commission felt that they could bring change to the educational provisions by changing their state 's constitution. They changed the terms of art of the education article of Florida's constitution to increase the duty required of the legislature to provide for education. Further, they provided a definition of their concept of adequate provisions for education. This study seeks to determine if the change ofthe language of the educational article of Florida's constitution will impact the outcome of a challenge to the adequacy of the Florida's educational provisions.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2008
- Subject Headings
- Educational law and legislation--Florida, Public schools--Florida--Finance, Academic achievement--Economic aspects--Florida, United States --NoChild Left Behind Act of 2001
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- The Effects of Interactive Read-Alouds on the Reading Achievement of Middle Grade Reading Students in a Core Remedial Program.
- Creator
- Bishop Temple, Catherine, Crawley, Sharon J., Florida Atlantic University
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this study was to examine an effect of read-alouds on the reading achievement of middle grade students in a core intensive reading program in the School District of Palm Beach County, the fourth largest school district in Florida. This was accomplished conducting literature studies through read-alouds and sustained silent reading with sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade intensive reading students as a supplement to the READ XL® remedial program. Specifically, this study...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine an effect of read-alouds on the reading achievement of middle grade students in a core intensive reading program in the School District of Palm Beach County, the fourth largest school district in Florida. This was accomplished conducting literature studies through read-alouds and sustained silent reading with sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-grade intensive reading students as a supplement to the READ XL® remedial program. Specifically, this study investigated the difference on the achievement scores on the Florida State Fluency Probes (FORF), the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test in Reading (FCAT), the Florida Comprehensive Norm Reference Test Scale Scores (FCAT/NRT), the Scholastic Reading Inventory Lexile Levels (SRI), and the teacher created tests on the literature during the period 2006-2007. The study further examined the interaction of both grade level and gender with the readaloud strategy and sustained silent reading. A Factorial ANOV A (analysis of variance) was used to test the effect of each of the treatments, read-alouds and sustained silent reading, on the dependent variables, FORF, the FCAT, the FCAT/NRT, the Scholastic Reading Inventory Lexile Levels, and the teacher created tests and the interactions with grade level and gender. Results indicated a greater increase in fluency, as measured by the Florida State Fluency Probes, from 2006 to 2007, for students in the read-aloud group (test) as compared with students in the sustained silent reading group (control group), and for students in grades 6 and 7 as compared with students in grade 8. Overall there was no difference in fluency as moderated by gender. The results of this study also found that read-alouds promoted increased performance of female students on the teacher-created tests. This suggests that readalouds may play a role in increasing the performance of middle school at-risk female readers on similar instruments.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2007
- Subject Headings
- Oral reading, Activity programs in education, Academic achievement--Social aspects, Reading--Remedial teaching--Social aspects
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Teacher perspectives on the effect of the Florida Public Accountability System on the middle school classroom.
- Creator
- Roberts, Helen, Florida Atlantic University, Jurenas, Albert C.
- Abstract/Description
The Florida Public Accountability System and the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, FCAT, have been in use since 1996. Since that time, schools have received grades, rewards and sanctions for performance, promotion requirements have changed, and the results of the FCAT are published annually for public scrutiny. With testing required in grades 3 through 11, middle schools (grades 6--8) must test all the students in their schools. A literature review revealed that, although achievement...
Show moreThe Florida Public Accountability System and the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, FCAT, have been in use since 1996. Since that time, schools have received grades, rewards and sanctions for performance, promotion requirements have changed, and the results of the FCAT are published annually for public scrutiny. With testing required in grades 3 through 11, middle schools (grades 6--8) must test all the students in their schools. A literature review revealed that, although achievement studies, drop out studies, and other data had been analyzed, little research focused on the impact of the FCAT from the perspective of the classroom teacher. This study examines the impact of the Florida Public Accountability System and the FCAT on the middle school classroom from the teacher's perspective. A survey of 130 middle school teachers was conducted in the spring of 2004. The study included closed-ended questions and space for additional comments. The impact was measured based on three variables, the impact on instructional methodologies, the impact on the quality of education and the impact on job satisfaction. Each of these variables was further analyzed to see if the grade of the school in which the teacher works has an effect on their responses to the survey. Furthermore, an analysis was conducted to determine if the subject area which the teacher teaches affected responses to the survey. Results indicate that responses are split on the majority of questions relating to the impact of the FCAT and the Florida Public Accountability System on both the instructional methodologies in classrooms and on the quality of education. These results showing both positive and negative responses between individual teachers indicate a lack of agreement within the teaching profession and create an interesting dynamic for school leaders. The results indicate less disagreement on the effects on job satisfaction with teachers reporting little impact on their own personal job satisfaction however, more impact on staff morale. A school's grade did not appear to influence differences in responses. However, the subject areas that a teacher reported teaching did seem to influence teacher responses. With increasing emphasis on accountability in mind, including Federal No Child Left Behind requirements, further research in this area is recommended.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2005
- Subject Headings
- Educational accountability--Florida, Educational tests and measurements--Florida, Academic achievement--Florida, Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test, Middle school education, Middle school teachers--Florida--Attitudes
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- An Examination of African-American Male Awareness of and Application to Honors Programs.
- Creator
- Balzora, Lulrick, Wright, Dianne A., Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
- Abstract/Description
The purpose of this study was to examine African-American male awareness of and application to honors programs at two selected state colleges in the southeastern region of the United States. The researcher also attempted to fill a current void in the literature and to present an emergent theory for attracting African-American males to honors programs in State College settings. A disproportionate amount of research focuses on remediation and underachievement among African-American males. The...
Show moreThe purpose of this study was to examine African-American male awareness of and application to honors programs at two selected state colleges in the southeastern region of the United States. The researcher also attempted to fill a current void in the literature and to present an emergent theory for attracting African-American males to honors programs in State College settings. A disproportionate amount of research focuses on remediation and underachievement among African-American males. The lack of information on the experiences of high ability African-American males leaves many unanswered questions about how to best recruit and serve the needs of this population of students. This study focused on high achievers rather than languish over the problem of underachievers. It examined the level of awareness of gifted African-American male students regarding honors programs at the collegiate level. It also analyzed how institutional atmosphere/reputation, facilities , personal influences, and incentives affect the decision of African-American males to apply to honors. The format for this study was a mixed method design. It included quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. To satisfy the quantitative nature of this study, IBM SPSS 21.0 was used for the purpose of data analysis via binomial tests. Furthermore, the researcher conducted four semi-structured focus groups. Qualitative data analysis procedures were used to understand and interpret the undergirding knowledge that may have played a role in the decisions made by African-American males in terms of whether or not to apply to honors programs. The study findings revealed that African-American male participants valued the atmosphere and reputation of an honors program more than facilities, personal influences, and incentives. However, awareness of this and others factors among African-American male honors applicants and honors non-applicants was often based on the personal influences in their lives. The results of this study and its emergent theory suggest that, rather than simply showcase gifted abilities, state colleges strategically place honors in a leadership role to increase the presence of persons of influence that motivate high achieving African-American males to enroll in its honors programs.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2015
- Subject Headings
- Academic achievement -- United States, African American young men -- Education (Higher), College student development programs, Educational equalization -- United States, Minority students -- Education (Higher), Talented students -- Education (Higher), Universities and colleges -- Honors courses
- Format
- Document (PDF)
- Title
- Effects of the four pillars on statewide high school graduation rates.
- Creator
- Daniel, Harry M., Pisapia, John, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
- Abstract/Description
This study investigated the relationship of statewide high school graduation rates of student ethnic groups from 2002 to 2006 to the four policy pillars of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001: Accountability for Results; Expanded Flexibility and Local Control; Expanded Options for Parents, Strengthening Teacher Quality. The quantitative, non-experimental, multivariate, correlational design addressed four research questions and six hypotheses. The research population was composed of...
Show moreThis study investigated the relationship of statewide high school graduation rates of student ethnic groups from 2002 to 2006 to the four policy pillars of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001: Accountability for Results; Expanded Flexibility and Local Control; Expanded Options for Parents, Strengthening Teacher Quality. The quantitative, non-experimental, multivariate, correlational design addressed four research questions and six hypotheses. The research population was composed of high school students in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The predictor variables were the four policy pillars themselves. Data were collected through archival reports from the Education Commission of the States (ECS) and State Accountability Report Workbooks provided by state departments of education to create an index of implementation to determine the extent to which the four policy pillars were implemented. The criterion variable was high school graduation rate split across student ethnic groups. Graduation rates of subgroup student populations were collected from the Average Freshman Graduation Rates archives for the ninth grade cohort entering in 2001 and exiting in 2006. Data were analyzed both by a one-factor correlational analysis of covariance with one covariate to determine the impact of each NCLB policy pillar, and by a four-factor analysis of covariance with one covariate to determine the impact of all NCLB policy pillars together. The study found that no significant relationships existed between any of the four NCLB policy pillars, singularly or between all four of the policy pillars together, and statewide high school graduation rates among any student racial or ethnic subgroups for the academic years covered in the study. Reasons for the lack of significant relationships are a source for further study. It is recommended that such studies examine the effect of policy implementation that currently allows: (a) each state to set its own test and measurement standards or its own criteria for teacher certification; (b) parents to keep their children in failing schools even if those children are also failing; and (c) each state to underfund mandates.
Show less - Date Issued
- 2014
- Subject Headings
- Academic achievement -- United States, Education and state -- United States, Educational accountability -- United States, Educational equalization -- United States, School improvement programs -- United States, United States -- No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
- Format
- Document (PDF)