Current Search:  Academic achievment (x)

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Pedometers in the curriculum
Children's perceptions of peer reactions to school-related behaviors and affect
Peer reputations as a determinant of gender differences in school outcomes: Evidence for domain-specific effects
effect of self-efficacy on the decisions to enroll and succeed in Internet accounting courses
impact of homelessness on the academic achievement of children
Language and leadership: Exploring the relationship between critical theories and the hegemonic construction of student achievement
relationship between non-school factors and reading achievement among LEP and English-fluent students in the school district of Palm Beach County, Florida
Emotional Intelligence and Self-Directed Learning
The effect of a supplemental multiple modalities learning program on the academic success of student-athletes at Florida Atlantic University
The Influence of a System of Values Upon Academic Behavior
Assessment success today or learning success tomorrow? How a longitudinal perspective can help standards-based accountability systems eliminate the persistent gap between nominal and actual achievement for high school graduates
Factors affecting retention in a community college's welfare-to-work programs
African American and Hispanic male perceptions of effective and ineffective retention strategies, and the implications for undergraduate persistence in a for-profit commuter university
Impact of Collaborative Work Analysis Professional Development in Teacher Practice and Student Writing
Improving School Performance: Leader Autonomy and Entrepreneurial Orientation
relationship of self-directed learning readiness to knowledge-based and performance-based measures of success in third-year medical students
effects of the Ready for Success program in the reading achievement of second- and third-grade students
comparative analysis of the success of students placed in the lowest level of remedial coursework taken through CAI versus a traditional remedial education mode of instruction
"Con respeto": Factors related to the academic performance of Mexican-American fourth graders in selected Florida elementary schools
Effects of a videodisc program on the academic achievement of learning-disabled students
