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Perceptions of Academic Resilience Among Teachers and Twelfth Grade Adolescent Girls
The Impact of “Real World” Experiences through Academic Service Learning on Students’ Success Rate, Attitudes, and Motivation in Intermediate Algebra at a Public University
examination of the implementation of the Intel Essentials project-based learning model on middle and secondary reading and language arts FCAT student achievement and engagement
effects of reciprocal teaching on the science literacy of intermediate elementary students in inclusive science classes
A Study of School Improvement Plans, School DecisionMaking and Advocacy, and Their Correlation to Student Academic Achievement
Is there a relationship between academic achievement and school climate at the elementary, middle, or high school grade level?
impact of block scheduling on academic achievement and the perceptions of teachers and administrators in selected South Florida high schools
impact of reading instructional methodology on student achievement of Black males based on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
Maternal Involvement in Math Homework and its Influence on Adolescents’ Math Outcomes During the Transition to Middle School: Who Profits from Homework Assistance?
Academic performance and demographic variables in predicting success in college algebra and graduation rates in an urban multi-campus community college
relationship between mobility and academic performance among African-American fifth graders attending urban schools
The Relationship of Transformational Leadership and Reading Achievement in Broward County, Florida Charter Schools
Florida School Recognition Program
Effects of teaching mathematics to learning style perceptual preference on academic achievement of seventh-grade middle school students
