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"Con respeto": Factors related to the academic performance of Mexican-American fourth graders in selected Florida elementary schools
Effects of a videodisc program on the academic achievement of learning-disabled students
Factors affecting success in organic chemistry
Selected Student Characteristics and Science Achievement in a Mid-Sized Secondary School
comparison of three eighth-grade-to-ninth-grade transition programs in a South Florida high school
comparison of the outcomes of distance learning students versus traditional classroom students in the community college
relationship of grade-level, socioeconomic status and gender to selected student variables
The Relationship of Parent Involvement on Student Achievement
The effect of ready for success, a counselor-led intervention program, on reading scores of Hispanic and African American 3rd grade students in title one elementary schools
Concurrent Enrollment and Academic Performance of Community College English Language Learners
Comparing levels of school performance to science teachers' reports on knowledge/skills, instructional use and student use of computers
Effects of an interactive computer-based reading strategy on student comprehension
The Effect of Teacher Cognitive and Behavioral Agility on Student Achievement
The relationship between the self-efficacy of monolingual and bilingual undergraduate college students and their academic achievement in science and math.
impact of teacher retention on student achievement in high school mathematics
study examining the impact of vocabulary instruction on the vocabulary growth and acquisition of adults enrolled in a community college developmental reading course
The Beliefs of Advanced Placement Teachers Regarding Equity and Access to Advanced Placement Courses: A Mixed-Methods Study
The Impact of Voluntary Remediation on Gateway Course Success and Minority and Low-Income Students in Florida Colleges
The Effects of the Student Success Skills Classroom Program on Self-Regulation, School Attendance, and Test Anxiety on Hispanic Fifth-Grade Students
effect of student participation in student success skills on pro-social and bullying behavior
