Current Search:  Bjorklund, David F. (x)

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How differences in relatesness affects children’s altruistic behavior across age
An Introduction to Evolutionary Developmental Psychology
A Metatheory for Cognitive Development (or “Piaget is Dead” Revisited)
Incorporating Development Into Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary developmental psychology
The attentional basis of deontic and moral reasoning in social situations
Cognitive Cues are More Compelling than Facial Cues in Determining Adults' Reactions towards Young Children
Relationship experience as a predictor of romantic jealousy
Child eyewitness testimony: The search for truth and justice in the American way
Children's understanding of sleep and death: Implications of intentional persistence for theory of mind and the theory theory/simulation debate
Developmental and contextual effects on children's addition strategies
Methods of filicide: Stepparents and genetic parents kill differently
Event type and individual differences in children's false-memory creation
Evidence of social learning mechanisms and teaching behavior of Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) by mother dolphins foraging in the presence of calves
Play, problem-solving and tool use: Individual differences in preschool children
Reciprocity versus Modeling as a Basis for Exchange Bahavior in Preschoolers
Why rush growing up? A test of the cognitive immaturity hypothesis
development of the concept of self as measured by a cognitive task
development of utilization deficiencies in a sort/recall memory task
Intuitive conceptions of dead agents' minds: The natural foundations of afterlife beliefs
