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Data and information communication through piping network
Development and analysis of real time software for autonomous underwater vehicles
Modular application server design for AUV data network access and distributed processing
Pattern-oriented design of a dynamically reconfigurable software architecture for AUV high-level control
convenient state machine formalism for high-level control of autonomous underwater vehicles
fuzzy logic based flight control system for the FAU "Ocean Voyager" autonomous underwater vehicle
Cell-state-space-based fuzzy logic controller automatic design and optimization for high-order systems
Design and implementation of an altitude flight controller for the FAU Ocean Voyager II
Docking the Ocean Explorer Autonomous Underwater Vehicle using a low-cost acoustic positioning system and a fuzzy logic guidance algorithm
Automatic design of nonlinear controllers with optimal global performance using best estimate-directed search and continued propagation cell mapping
Implementation of the Ocean Explorer AUV dock for use with the Morpheus AUV
feasibility study on using LonWorks Power Line Transceivers for underwater communications
experimental investigation of the design and performance of small-diameter tunnel thrusters
High performance and robust control
Combination of anti-optimization and fuzzy-set-based analysis for structural optimization under uncertainty