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Tidal and wind-driven transport between Indian River and Mosquito Lagoon, Florida
The Laguna Madre of Texas: hydrography of a hypersaline lagoon
An investigation of the heat budget of the Indian River lagoon, Florida, during winter months
Numerical simulation of bay-shelf exchanges with a one-dimensional model
Tidal and long-period exchanges between upper Laguna Madre and Corpus Christi Bay, Texas
Tidal flushing of intracoastal bays
Upwelling in Atlantic shelf waters of South Florida.
The intertidal volume of Florida'sIndian River Lagoon
Seasonal variations in the heat energy budget of the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
An introduction to the tides of Florida’s Indian River Lagoon. I. Water levels
Studies of nontidal circulation in estuaries and coastal lagoons
An investigation of cross-shelf variability in shelf circulation in the northwest Gulf of Mexico
Florida Bay circulation studies
Across-shelf heat transport off the Atlantic Coast of South Florida
An investigation of the heat energy budget of a coastal bay
Computer simulation of wind-driven circulation in a coastallagoon
Regional-scale and long-term transport patterns in the Florida Keys
Longitudinal transport in a coastal lagoon
Inter-annual variability in net outflow from Indian River Lagoon
Local energy exchanges in a shallow, coastal lagoon: summer conditions
