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WINDSTAU-numerical modelling of continental shelf circulation with sigma coordinates
Mathematical methods for mapping image and data compression transforms to adaptive computing systems
An introduction to analysis of errors inherent in multispectral imaging through the sea surface. 2. Sensor and interfacial effects
An introduction to analysis of errors inherent in multispectral imaging through the sea surface. 1. Target and media effects
Shift-invariant recognition of rotationally deformed ship silhouettes at multiple resolution scales
Performance evaluation of data compression transforms for underwater imaging and object recognition
A fractal geometric model of light pulse propagation in a multilayer ocean
Geometric properties of non-differentiable contours: concurrent spatial harmonic and fractal analyses
On the parallel computation of image compression transformations
Limits on computational precision of image compression transformations
Image quality measures for performance assessment of compression transforms.
Performance analysis of compression algorithms for noisy multispectral underwater images of small targets
Data compression techniques for underwater imagery
Comparison and development of compression algorithms for AUV telemetry: Recent advancements