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"The show must go on": A caring inquiry into the meaning of widowhood and health for older Indian widows
Caring in nurse managers as described by staff nurses
Clarity-Parity Community Nursing Practice framework: A critical ethnonursing study of women in recovery from chemical dependence and their return to the community
Public health nurse managers' perception of Total Quality Management initiatives
The nurses' experience of being assisted in practice by multiskilled personnel
Views of registered nurses and unlicensed assistive personnel on the differentiating aspects of their roles in a partnership model of care delivery
Meanings of folk and professional health care experienced by Guatemalan Mayans in southeast Florida
Ethical evaluation by nephrology nurse administrators: An exploratory-descriptive study
work-life views of the nurse manager during transition from primary care to patient-focused care
Unveiling The Mystery Of Covenantal Trust: The Theory of the Social Process Between the Nurse Manager and the Chief Nursing Officer